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You should provide plenty of wet egg food, changed daily, or more often in hot weather, seed, and fruit and vegetables. The male will eat the food, and feed the hen.

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Q: Do you feed the mother parakeet when she sits on the eggs?
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Who sits on robbin eggs mother or father?

Both mother and father cause when the father is fiding food the mother sits on the nest and when the mother is finding food for the baby bird or for herself the father sits on them.

How does a ostrich raise its babies?

baby ostriches are born in a shallow hole which their father made in the sand and he sits on the eggs.The mother ostrich lays her eggs in front of the father ostrich then he pushes them under his warm body. He sits on the eggs from late afternoon untill early the next morning the mother sits on the eggs the rest of the day. When the eggs are hatched the parents take turns to look after their young.

Why parakeet bird sits on the egg?

to keep the egg warm, and to protect it.

How does a baby bird get out of there mothers body?

The mother hatches an egg The mother lays the eggs, sits on them to keep them warm while incubating, then feeds them when they hatch out.

Explain what the mother hen do to ensure that her eggs are turned and kept at the corrrect temperature for hatching?

The mother hen usually covers all her eggs to make sure that they are kept at the correct temperature for hatching and uses its beak to turn the egg over .

How long can a parakeet lay eggs?

If she sits on it right when she lays it 18 days if she sits on it after the second one is laid then 20 days for the first to hatch and 18 for the second one to hatch. That's just an average but seems to ring true.

What is a chicken placenta?

the chicken's placenta, as opposed to a human placenta, does not connect the mother to the child. instead, it connects the mother and the egg. the placenta extends from the mother's anus to the top of the egg. this is why the chicken sits on her eggs.

How a mother her keeps her egg safe and warm?

A mother hen sits on her eggs for weeks to keep the temperature right. The breaks for eating and leaving are shot so the temperature stays constant.

Who sits on bird eggs?

There are male birds that do share in the sitting and rearing of baby birds.

How are bird eggs cared for?

the mama bird sits on the eggs to keep them warm

How can you tell if your parakeet is going to die?

A health parakeet will have shiny feathers, clear eyes, shiny beak, and a cere that is free of drainage. A fluffed parakeet that sits at the bottom of the cage is very sick and needs attention immediately.

Does the mother swan or the father swan take care of their young?

Both the mother and father swan work together to care for their young. The mother usually sits on the nest and protects the eggs, while the father helps to guard the nest and may assist in raising the cygnets once they hatch.