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No you don't.

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Q: Do you find a leprechaun at the end of the northern lights?
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What is a pot like the pot at the end of a rainbow really called?

It's called Pot o' Gold or a Leprechaun's Pot of Gold.

How can you tell what the directions are from the stars in your hemisphere?

In the northern hemisphere you want to look for Polaris or the northern star. This star is special as it does not move much, and is always in the north. All of the other stars appear to rotate around it as the earth spins on it's axis. You can find this star by looking for the Big Dipper, take the end two stars opposite the handle and continue the imaginary line further until you get to it, the end of the Little Dipper. In the Southern Hemisphere, look for the Southern Cross.

Where is ursa minor located?

Ursa Minor is located in the northern sky. You can locate it yourself. First find the big Dipper. Then Imagine a straight line upwards from the two end stars. Then you will see the bright star called polaris. This is Ursa Minor.

Why is it summer in the northern hemisphere when it is winter in the southern hemisphere?

The earth is on an angle of 23.5 degrees. So one end of the planet is closer to the sun then the other. During the northern hemisphere's summer its is closest to the sun and the southern hemisphere is furthest from the sun.

Does the sun rise in the southern hemisphere first?

No. The Sun is always above the horizon somewhere in the Southern hemisphere just as it always is above the horizon somewhere in the Northern hemisphere. About half of each hemisphere is illuminated at every instant (well more of the Southern hemisphere is illuminated from the end of September to the end of March and more of the Northern hemisphere during the other half year).

Related questions

Where did the leprechaun find his pot of gold?

At the end of the rainbow

When did Northern Lights - TV series - end?

Northern Lights - TV series - ended on 2008-12-21.

Where do you find leprechaun gold?

It is said that leprechauns bury their gold at the end of the rainbow.

Why do people talk about a leprechaun and the pot of at the end of the rainbow?

Because rainbow id harf to find and it does not end

How can you find a leprechaun?

wait for it to rain and be sunny at the same time and then go to the end of the rainbow

How do one find a leprechaun?

Look at the end of a rainbow, at least that's what most people say.

Where are leprechaun?

At the end of the rainbow

Use 'leprechaun' in a sentence?

The leprechaun hid his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

What did Columbus find on his travels?

he found a leprechaun at the end of a rainbow near a pond full of talking fish.

Why is it difficult to meet a leprechaun?

becuse their not real....... but if you're kid its because its hard to find the end of a rainbow

Is there such a thing as the leprechaun?

A leprechaun is a belief of the Irish. It is said that it is a guardian of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Where do you set your trap for the leprechaun?

at the end of the ranibow