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Q: Do you get back together with your ex boyfriend after a year and a half while he had a girlfriend for that period of time and still misses her?
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What does it mean when an ex girlfriend sends you a text message after a period of no contact?

she misses you

You came inside your girlfriend on the 2nd day of her period what are the chances of her getting pregnant?

It is possible that she could be pregnant. She needs to take a pregnancy test if she misses her next period

What should a boyfriend know about his girlfriend?

well that all depends how long the boyfriend and girlfriend have been together, at the least i would say he should no her name lol. if however the couple have been together for a month or two maybe he should no her birthday, and maybe after a year he should no her mother and fathers names, and her sisters and brothers names. it all depends on the period of time he has been with her or known her. hope this helps :)

I was in no contact period with my ex gf after we had a fight Bt after 20 days she did call me What this means do she still has feelings for me?

If you were on a no-contact period with your girlfriend after having a fight and she made contact after 20 days then she probably misses you and wants to reconcile.

Can my girlfriend be pegnant if she sat on my sperm quickly but there was never any penetration?

It's very unlikely but still possible. If she was wearing clothes though, then she is not pregnant. If not, she should take a pregnancy test if she misses her period

Is it possible for a girl to miss her period?

Ofcourse,and if she misses a period this doesn't mean that she's pregnant.

How can you tell if a women's pregnant?

Look for the signs of pregnancy. If she misses her period.

If your girlfriend has abdominal pains 10 days after sex how much a chance can there be that she is pregnant?

just a random pain all depends, did you use protection? is she on birth control? all you can do is wait if she misses a period get a test! good luck hope you get what you wanted!

How do you know your girlfriend preagent?

Have her take a pregnancy test or two. Also, if she misses a period or if she smells/tastes different "down there", she might be pregnant, although those aren't very reliable signs of pregnancy. Good luck telling her parents, you fox.

What if a girl misses her period and the pregnancy test is negative?

You don't always have your period. Just because you don't doesn't mean you're pregnant.

If women miss her periods is this is ok?

No it is not okay if a woman misses her period she should definitely see a doctor.

How can you and your boyfriend stay together over Christmas break?

If you are apart for a long period of time communication is key. Text, skype, and call each other when possible.