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No, not really. The moment the bud is cut from the plant, the trichomes of THC begin to break down,often even before the bud is cut. What happens is the bud pushes out these trichomes to deter pests and to catch pollen from the male plants, but, as the plant matures, the trichomes "over-ripen" and become discolored. This will hinder quality. But that is all before it is cut.

What breaks down the THC after being cut is oxygen. The more it comes in contact with oxygen, the weaker it gets. So, if you dry it for way too long, you'll have weaker weed anyway. But, wetter weed has a tendency to burn longer and not as hot. So, in conclusion, I would have to say that wetter weed is better weed, unless the dry stuff just happens to be a better plant.


When weed dries it goes thru a process called Decarboxylation. This is what turns your THC-COOH into THC. This makes it more potent. Don't listen to what anyone has to say, there are plenty of sites that will tell you the same. Any real chemist would also explain it to you this way. Better yet, get some "wet" tree and smoke some then dry some in the oven and smoke it. You will loose weight but get much much higher. THC is activated by heat.

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