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Q: Do you get more oxygen into your bodies by respiration?
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Why is there less oxygen in the air you breathe out?

Our bodies consume oxygen through a process called cellular respiration.

When is anaerobic respiration utilized in your bodies?

Anaerobic respiration occurs whenever oxygen can't be delivered to the muscle when it needs to contract.

What does cellular respiration occurs in the presence of?

Generally it will occur in the presence of oxygen, which is aerobic respiration, but there are other times where no oxygen will be present and cellular respiration will occur anaerobically (fermentation). Aerobic respiration is more beneficial because you produce more ATP than anaerobically.

How are respiration and anaerobic respiration different?

aerobic respiration uses oxygen and anaerobic doesn't; also aerobic produces more ATP or cellular energy***Apex: Oxygen is necessary for aerobic respiration but not for anaerobic respiration.

What is respiration using oxygen called?

Aerobic respiration is the respiration that requires oxygen. It needs oxygen in order to generate ATP. Anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen.

Respiration with and without oxygen is called?

Aerobic respiration requires oxygen; anaerobic respiration does not use oxygen.

What is the difference between aerobic and anarobic celluar respiration?

Aerobic respiration is when there is enough oxygen to use by the muscles. This happpens in long distance running. Anaerobic respiration is when respiration continues without sufficient oxygen,This happens more often in sprinting. Anaerobic respiration forces the muscles to rip and repair more often, and become bigger and more efficient. This is why sprinters like Christine Ohuruogu tend to be more muscular than marathon runners such as Paula Radcliffe.

What is oxidative respiration?

Oxidative respiration is an anabolic process where complex molecules are built up. This is how our bodies produce energy through aerobic metabolism that uses oxygen and has a byproduct of water.

Can you build and reproduce without oxygen?

No, You couldn't survive more than a few minutes without oxygen. Other organisms can, like yeast, which can do anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen).

What is Respiration without oxygen?

Anaerobic respiration does not involve oxygen.

Differences between anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration?

Aerobic Respiration is a respiration of a bacteria with oxygen. Glucose + Oxygen --> Energy + Water + Carbon Dioxide Anaerobic Respiration is a respiration of a bacteria without the presence of oxygen. Glucose -- > Energy + Carbon Dioxide -----by vigneshsherlekar Aerobic Respiration is a respiration of a bacteria with oxygen. Glucose + Oxygen --> Energy + Water + Carbon Dioxide Anaerobic Respiration is a respiration of a bacteria without the presence of oxygen. Glucose -- > Energy + Carbon Dioxide -----by vigneshsherlekar

Why is external respiration vital to cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration need oxygen. This oxygen is supplied by external respiration