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I would spray them with a mister you rather be safe then sorry

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Q: Do you give hermit crabs a bath do you have to spray them with a mister?
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Are hermit crabs supposed to have a bath?


How long can hermit crabs have a bath for?

They can drown so less than a minute.

How do hermit crabs urinate?

Hermit crabs do not 'go to the bathroom'. In other words hermit crabs DO NOT POO. I have had hermit crabs, and I know they definitely don't poo. Hermit crabs use all the energy and nutrients from their food and turn it into vitamins for the body. Hermit crabs are great pets, as there is no stinky poo to clean out!!!

Is it all right to put more than one hermit crab in the same tank on the same day?

Yes, hermit crabs don't usually fight. You could give the new hermit crab a bath so that it smells the same as the other hermit crab in you tank.

How do you give a land hermit crab a bath?

You fill the water bowl ( or any water pond thingy you have ) enough for the crabs completely submerge but not enough that they drown. They will bath them selves as they feel needed.

When you bathe a hermit crab and it acts like it cant breathe is that normal?

Hermit crabs can't exactly act like they're breathing, but just make sure that the bath water is about a centimeter below their eyes.

What do you do if your new hermit crab and old hermit crab do not get along?

Put your new hermit crab in a bath of distilled water (make sure the water is no higher than the crab's legs) and let him/her crawl around in it for a while. Then, put your crabs back together and see how it goes. If that doesn't work, watch them for a while and maybe give them both baths. That happened to my crabs, but now they like each other.

How much water in a hermit crabs bath do you have to put in to put in?

It depends on the size of your crab. I would suggest just enough for them to cover the majority of there body but not enough for them to be completely submerged.

Can land hermit crabs breath under water?

In oxygenated water hermit crabs can survive for a short time. Straws can stay under the longest as their modified gills most closely resemble marine hermit crab gills. However, the time varies between the species. Generally a hermit crab will only be under for a minute or two. As long as your pool has an easy way for crabs to get out they are good at regulating when they have been under too long. A hermit crab will not drown if he has a way to climb out.

Do hermit crabs need a towel over their cage?

No, they don't unless there is a problem and your hermit crab has chosen to surface molt. In that case, he needs darkness and the best thing to do is give him a hidey such as a cocohut or other shelter so he can keep himself in darkness. Never ever disturb a molting hermit crab if it can be avoided. if a crab does surface molt, it is vital that you section him off from any other crabs you may have. This includes keeping them from being able to dig down under a barricade, as a molting crab gives off a very enticing smell (which is not an issue when they bury to molt) which may attract other hungry hermit crabs who will steal the shed exoskeleton of the molting crab who needs to eat it to regain strength. The newly molted hermit crab is also extremely soft and vulnerable, and could also become a target of another hungry hermit crab. for more hermit crab information you can rely on:

How does a hermit crab eat and breathe?

Well they do NOT breathe air, they just can be out of the water because they store it in their shell to breathe. This means that if you want to take your hermit crab out, you must give it a bath -no soap- so it can get breathing water in its shell.

What is required for a hermit crab habitat?

Hermit crabs live in the Caribbean so they need 70 - 80% humidity and 70 - 80F temp. Hermit crabs are VERY social so buy at least 2. one gallon of space per SMALL hermit crab. The substrate that is recommened is coconut huck fibers, so they can dig in it. also add some sand in a corner or half, The substrate should be able to cover the biggest hermit crab twice (so they can molt research what molting is IMPORTANT!) Hermit crabs are known to climb trees (They can drown in water!) so have something for them to climb on and something to hide in. Hermit crabs are scavengers so feed them fruits and veggies (change food daily). They also need DISTILLED WATER for them to drink tap water will blister their modified gills. And SEA salt water for them to bath in to heal, table salt will also blister modified gills. ALSO. . . TO LEARN MORE TO INCREASE YEARS OF HERMIT CRAB LIFE. . . RESEARCH HOW TO TAKE CARE OF A HERMIT CRAB PLEASE.