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If I had a vagina then YES, I WOULD go to the doctor if I had an infection. I don't think an auto mechanic could do much for me. A carpet cleaner might know a little more, but I doubt it.

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3d ago

Yes, it is important to see a healthcare provider if you suspect you may have a vaginal infection. They can perform an examination, order tests if needed, and provide appropriate treatment.

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Q: Do you go to your doctor to get your vagina checked out for infections?
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Why does the skin near your vagina itch or peel?

Itching or peeling of the skin near the vagina can be caused by various factors such as infections (yeast or bacterial), contact dermatitis (reaction to products), hormonal changes, or skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Why do I have Loose stool and discharge?

Loose stool and discharge can be caused by various factors, such as dietary changes, infections, medications, or underlying health conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the exact cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Why would all my body piercings become infected at the same time when I have had them for years and have done nothing different?

There could be several causes, but it could be due to a drop in your immune system. If you have recently gotten several infections you need to go see your doctor so the infections can be treated and the cause of the infection can be found.

How do you please a woman with a deep vagina?

Go in deeper.

What could be the cause to having bloodshot eyes constantly for the last 3 months?

Chronic bloodshot eyes could be caused by a variety of factors including dry eye syndrome, allergies, eye infections, or underlying health conditions such as hypertension. It is recommended to see an eye doctor to determine the exact cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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Do you go to a normal doctor to get your vagina checked?

When I go to my local GP usually she does a full body check-up. Just go ahead and do it; it may save your life.

Can douching help get a condom out of the vagina?

If you have a condom stuck inside your vagina go to the doctor and have it removed. Never ever douche to try and remove something from inside your vagina. Next time you have sex use lube so your vagina isn't too dry and that will prevent a condom from coming off.answer two:i agree with the first answer; however, don't use lube. it can cause yeast infections and bacterial infections .

Does white discharge from the vagina indicate that you are pregnant?

No. Not necessarily pregnant, but most probably have an infection. Go to your doctor for advice as soon as possible. Most infections can be cured easily the quicker you deal with them.

Where do you go to get your eyes checked?

An eye doctor

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Go to the doctor.

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Go to the doctor!

What best treatment for most viral infections?

go to the doctor.

How do you stop staph infections?

You need antibiotic's Go to the doctor.

Why does your Vagina hurt when you open it to clean and look at?

you need to go to the doctor.

What if you have several bumps on your vagina and its itchy and red?

You need to go to your doctor.

Where should I go to go get my hearing checked?

E.N.T. (Ear Nose Throat) doctor

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Go to a doctor and get it checked out and see what they think.