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This is due to hormone levels in the blood stream. The higher the levels the more it affects the muscles of the uetrus. Taking (paracetamol/acetomenophen) and ibuprofen together can help. It is also advisable to use a hot water bottle on your tummy as this can greatly reduce the pain. (I'm a doctor)

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13y ago

peopel have pain and cramps because the eggs are being drained waiting for a new batch to come in so it causes pain.

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Q: Do you have cramps when your going to have your period?
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How do you know your going to have your period?

Usually you got cramps in your stomach.

How you know you going to have your period?

Usually you got cramps in your stomach.

Why are you gettin cramps like period cramps but no period?

It could be just be a sign that you're going to get your period or it's ovarian cramps, which aren't something I fully understand but I went to the doctor and that's how it was explained to me.

What does it means if you have your period but no cramps?

Many women do not have cramps with their period and most women don't have cramps after childbirth.

You didn't get cramps but you got your period?

Many women do not have cramps with their period and most women don't have cramps after childbirth.

Does it hurt when you have your period?

It depends on the person. I don't get cramps whenever I have my period, but others have serious cramps.

Do guys get cramps?

Yes they do.. thay do not get period cramps but they can get muscle cramps.

How do you know if you are going to have your period for the first time?

Well youll see a white smear in your underwear. And you may have cramps on the day before your period.

Why do you get sevire cramps during my period?

I get cramps to. It just means that your body is working and you are going to get your perod soon. You can take Advil or another pain killer to help the severity.

Is it normal to get period cramps while on the pill?

Is it normal to get period cramps while on the pill?

What does it mean if i have a period with no cramps?

A cramp free period means you had no cramps, nothing more.

Should you exspect your period after your first cramps?

No, you won't have cramps until you start your period.