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Yes It does come with cramps and they can be very painful. See a doctor if pain persist.

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Q: Do you have cramps with breakthrough bleeding?
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Related questions

Can you have heavy cramps with implantation bleeding?

They shouldn't be heavy cramps

Where can one find information about breakthrough bleeding?

One could locate information on breakthrough bleeding at their local doctor's or gynecologist's office. Their is also more information on breakthrough bleeding on Web MD.

I am having heavy bleeding and bad cramps can you still be pregnant?

Iam having heavy bleeding and bad cramps can you still be pregnant?

What are the side effects to kliofem?

Breast pain and breakthrough bleeding are the 2 most common side effects when taking Kliofem. Other side effects include weight gain, leg cramps, and dizziness.

How do you know you have your period?

Bleeding, cramps, irritability.

What is dysmenorhea?

heavy bleeding do to abdominal cramps

Can you have a miscarriage if there is bleeding but no cramps or pain?


Does small cramps in lower abdomen could that be caused by implantation but cramps with no bleeding?

Most women don't cramp or bleed from implantation but it's always possible. It's also possible to have cramps with no bleeding.

Can you have more than one period a month on the pill?

Not necessarily, most likely this "second period" is spotting or breakthrough bleeding. Spotting/ Breakthrough bleeding is bleeding before or in between menstrual cycles.

What if you get breakthrough bleeding for more than a week while on the pill?

Breakthrough bleeding is not uncommon. If you are concerned that it may be something serious, contact your physician and have a pelvic exam.

Can breakthough bleeding be painful?

Yes, the breakthrough bleeding, just like the other kinds of bleeding can be really painful.

Can you have cramps for a while before you have implantation bleeding?
