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Q: Do you have nerves under the nail surface?
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Related questions

What does Onychomycosis infect?

The actual infection is of the bed of the nail and of the plate under the surface of the nail

Why do fingernails hurt?

The top of nail is painless but as soon as it reaches the front of your finger that is when the nerves connect to your nail

What is a nail set used for?

Nail sets are also called a nail punch. They are used to drive the head of a nail flush with the surface or below the surface.

Do you put nail strengthener on top or under nail polish?

you put it under nail polish

One change you would see on the surface of a nail?

The Nail art

What are the different parts of a fingernail?

Nail Plate: The hard surface of the nail that you can see. Nail Bed: All of the soft tissue beneath the nail. Lanula: The half moon at the base of the nail. While some are hidden, they are usually visible on the thumb. Did you know that it is thought that the lanula is actually a reflection of light. Matrix: This area is located beneath the cuticle. This is where all the growth of the nail takes place. The area contains nerves and blood vessels to nourish the new nail. Cuticle: The skin that overlaps the nail plate is called the cuticle. Allowing the skin to dry out is the reason for the development of hangnails. Nail Folds: The skin that surrounds and supports the nail on three sides, holding it in place. Nail fungus infections often occur in this area.

How do you remove nail polish from a plastic surface?

It should come of with Nail Polish Remover.

What is a zinc nail?

a zinc nail is iron nail coating zinc on the surface for corrosion resistance purpose,most commonly used in concrete nail

What does cuticle mean?

some nail surface

What do the nail grooves do?

the nail groove provides a surface upon which the nail plate moves as it grows also quiding it straight they also anchor the nail in place

What always walks on it's head?

A nail. A nail always walks on its head when it is driven into a surface.

A tool that should be used with the hammer when driving a nail below the surface of the wood is called a?

Nail punch.