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Having a funny taste in your mouth is more than likely completely unrelated to any of the other symptoms. More than likely it is probably just time for your period. If in doubt take a pregnancy test.

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Q: Do you have pregnancy symptoms or period symptoms if you have a funny taste in mouth cramping a week before period is due just for a day bloated and white creamy discharge?
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What are the symptoms of 2 weeks pregnancy?

You'll be bloated is all.

What are the main symptoms of pregnancy?

The main symptoms aremissed period,nausea with or without vomiting,tiredness,dizziness,breast changes and breast tenderness, andfrequent urination.The main symptoms of pregnancy are nausea, dizziness, heartburn, missed period, strange food cravings, bloated stomach, mild cramping, gassy, sore breasts and having light implantation bleeding.

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Can i feel bloated if pregnant?

Hi, Your question is: Can you be pregnant if you feel bloated right behind your belly button? This isn't a pregnancy symptom. Bloatedness can be caused by many things including pregnancy, constipation and diahrrea. If you suspect pregnancy, perform a test in 2-3 weeks.

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The most common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are gas, a bloated feeling, abdominal pain or cramping, mucus in the stool, diarrhea and constipation (sometimes alternating between the two).

Would these be pregnancy symptoms bloated stomach cravings cramps on lower abdomen pulsing in my stomach that if i push in it feels weird and it pulses stronger pain in me lower abdomen?

This is necessarily not pregnancy though it might be. It's best you carry out a home pregnancy test as this symptoms might be for something else. Besides, pregnancy symptoms varies in women. All the best dear

You have been bloated and cramping for the last three weeks your period was due on monday 18 Jan 10 and you started having a dark discharge two days before and on monday that your period was due it st?

Go see a Doctor.

Do you get bloated the first week of pregnancy?

Yes, you can!!

Here are your symptoms nausea fatigue headaches your apitite is increased you have non stop cramping increased urination and you feel bloated could you be pregnant?

You may also have an Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) or an ovarian cyst.

Is being bloated milky discharge swollen breasts feeling heavy a sign of pregnancy?

No. You can have coilitis and be going through perimenopause (hormonal changes) like myself.

Threw up 1 meal nausea ever since through out the day bloated and tired?

It sounds to me like you have pregnancy symptoms. You might want to buy a home pregnancy test or make a appointment to see your gynecologist.