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No, but studies have shown that people who are sexually active with multiple partners have a higher incidence of cervical cancer.

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9y ago

Almost all cases of Cervical cancer are due to a sexually transmissible virus called HPV. Those who never have vaginal sexual contact are unlikely to get HPV-related cervical cancer.

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Is cervical cancer contagious?

No, cervical cancer itself is not contagious. Cervical cancer is primarily caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection. However, the transmission of HPV is through direct skin-to-skin contact, particularly during sexual activity, and not through casual contact. It's important to note that while HPV is a common risk factor for cervical cancer, not everyone who has HPV will develop cervical cancer. Most HPV infections resolve on their own without causing any health problems. Additionally, cervical cancer typically develops over a long period of time, often years or even decades after HPV infection. Cervical cancer is not spread through casual contact like shaking hands, hugging, or sharing personal items. The primary mode of transmission for HPV is sexual contact, including vaginal Preventive measures such as HPV vaccination and regular cervical cancer screening (Pap tests and HPV tests) can help reduce the risk of cervical cancer and its associated health complications. If you have questions or concerns about cervical cancer, HPV, or prevention, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for guidance and information tailored to your specific situation.

What does having many male sexual partners have to do with cervical cancer?

The more sexual partners you have, the higher the risk of catching papaloma virus which causes cervical cancer

Can you pass cervical cancer before colcoscopy to sexual partner?

Cervical cancer is not contagious. However the virus, HPV, is sexually transmitted. There is a strong association between HPV infection and cervical cancer.

Can a girl who has no sexual contact have pap smear?

yes... you can still carry cervical cancer or other diseases so a pap smear is required by the age of 21:)

Can you get an STD if you had the hpv shot?

The HPV shot lowers the risk of getting certain kinds of HPV. You can still have other STDs after getting the HPV shot. In addition, it's possible to get certain kinds of genital warts or precancerous changes on the cervix.The HPV vaccine does not prevent against getting an STD. There are many types of STD that the shot does not protect you against.The HPV vaccine protects against infection by certain strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV) that can cause cervical cancer and genital warts.HPV spreads mostly through sexual contact. Almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV. HPV vaccination is expected to prevent about 70% of cervical cancer cases. - See more at: HPV vaccine protects against infection by certain strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV) that can cause cervical cancer and genital warts.HPV spreads mostly through sexual contact. Almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV. HPV vaccination is expected to prevent about 70% of cervical cancer cases. - See more at: HPV vaccine protects against infection by certain strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV) that can cause cervical cancer and genital warts.HPV spreads mostly through sexual contact. Almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV. HPV vaccination is expected to prevent about 70% of cervical cancer cases. - See more at: HPV vaccine protects against infection by certain strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV) that can cause cervical cancer and genital warts.HPV spreads mostly through sexual contact. Almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV. HPV vaccination is expected to prevent about 70% of cervical cancer cases. - See more at:

Where does cervical cancer occur in a female?

Cervical cancer is cancer that starts in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens at the top of the vagina.Worldwide, cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer in women. It is much less common in the United States because of the routine use of Pap smears.Cervical cancers start in the cells on the surface of the cervix. There are two types of cells on the cervix's surface: squamous and columnar. Most cervical cancers are from squamous cells.Cervical cancer usually develops very slowly. It starts as a precancerous condition called dysplasia. This precancerous condition can be detected by a Pap smear and is 100% treatable. It can take years for precancerous changes to turn into cervical cancer. Most women who are diagnosed with cervical cancer today have not had regular Pap smears or they have not followed up on abnormal Pap smear results.Almost all cervical cancers are caused by HPV (human papilloma virus). HPV is a common virus that is spread through sexual intercourse. There are many different types of HPV. Some strains lead to cervical cancer. (Other strains may cause genital warts, while others do not cause any problems at all.)A woman's sexual habits and patterns can increase her risk for cervical cancer. Risky sexual practices include having sex at an early age, having multiple sexual partners, and having multiple partners or partners who participate in high-risk sexual activities.Risk factors for cervical cancer include:Not getting the HPV vaccinePoor economic statusWomen whose mothers took the drug DES (diethylstilbestrol) during pregnancy in the early 1960s to prevent miscarriageWeakened immune system

What virus is spread by men to women that cause cancer in women?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that can be spread from men to women and is associated with the development of cervical cancer in women. HPV is a group of related viruses, and certain high-risk types of HPV are known to be significant risk factors for cervical cancer. HPV is commonly transmitted through sexual contact, and it can infect the genital areas. Persistent infection with high-risk HPV types can lead to changes in cervical cells that may progress to cervical cancer over time. Regular screening, such as Pap smears and HPV testing, is crucial for the early detection and prevention of cervical cancer in women. HPV vaccination is also available and recommended for both males and females to help prevent HPV-related cancers.

How is cervical cancer spread?

Cervical cancer is primarily spread through the human papillomavirus (HPV), specifically high-risk HPV types. HPV is a group of related viruses that can infect the genital and other areas, as well as the mouth and throat. High-risk HPV strains, such as HPV-16 and HPV-18, are strongly associated with the development of cervical cancer. Here is how cervical cancer is spread: HPV Transmission: HPV is primarily transmitted through direct skin-to-skin contact, typically during sexual activity. This includes vaginal and as well as any form of genital-to-genital contact. Asymptomatic Carriers: Many individuals infected with high-risk HPV types may not show any symptoms and are unaware that they are carriers of the virus. This makes it possible for the virus to be spread unknowingly to sexual partners. Persistent Infection: In some cases, HPV infection can persist in the body for years without causing symptoms. During this time, the virus can gradually cause changes in the cervical cells that may lead to the development of cervical cancer over time. Development of Precancerous Lesions: High-risk HPV infection can lead to the development of precancerous lesions in the cervix. These changes may progress to cervical cancer if not detected and treated. Metastasis: In advanced stages, cervical cancer can spread to nearby tissues and lymph nodes. In rare cases, it may also metastasize to distant organs, such as the lungs, liver, or bones. It's important to note that not all HPV infections lead to cervical cancer. In fact, most HPV infections resolve on their own, and only a small percentage progress to cervical cancer. Regular cervical cancer screenings, including Pap smears and HPV tests, can detect precancerous changes in the cervix and allow for early intervention and treatment, reducing the risk of cervical cancer. Additionally, vaccination against HPV is a highly effective preventive measure that can significantly reduce the risk of infection with high-risk HPV types and, consequently, the risk of cervical cancer.

Which disease is spread by sexual contact?

STIS spreads through sexual contact.

What causes cervical cancers?

Most cervical cancer cases are apparently caused by strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection. You can limit your chances of getting HPV through having fewer sexual partners, and fewer partners who have had many other partners. Starting having sex later in life also limits your chances of developing cervical cancer. The cervix of a young girl is more susceptible to damage from sex. Smoking also has some connection to cervical cancer, but it is not clearly understood. Smokers do have an increased chance of getting cervical cancer. There may also be a link between cervical cancer and receiving estrogen treatment for menopause. In the past, the hormone estrogren was used alone. Now it is combined with progesterone. When used alone, estrogren increases the risk of cancer.

What has cervical cancer been linked to?

Cervical cancer has been primarily linked to persistent infection with certain high-risk types of human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a group of viruses that can be transmitted through sexual contact. Among the numerous types of HPV, a subset of high-risk types, particularly HPV 16 and HPV 18, are strongly associated with the development of cervical cancer. Key factors linked to cervical cancer include: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection: Persistent infection with high-risk HPV types, especially HPV 16 and HPV 18, is the leading cause of cervical cancer. HPV is a sexually transmitted infection, and individuals with long-term, untreated infections have an increased risk of developing cervical cancer. Lack of HPV Vaccination: HPV vaccines, such as Gardasil 9 and Cervarix, are effective in preventing infection with the most common high-risk HPV types. Vaccination before sexual activity provides protection against these viruses and reduces the risk of cervical cancer. Cervical Dysplasia or Precancerous Changes: Precancerous changes in the cervix, known as cervical dysplasia or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), are considered precursors to cervical cancer. Detecting and treating these changes through regular screenings can prevent the progression to cancer. Smoking: Tobacco smoke contains carcinogens that can increase the risk of cervical cancer. Women who smoke are more likely to develop persistent HPV infections and cervical dysplasia. Weakened Immune System: Conditions or medications that weaken the immune system may increase the risk of cervical cancer. This includes individuals with HIV/AIDS, organ transplant recipients, or those undergoing immunosuppressive treatments. Long-Term Use of Oral Contraceptives: Long-term use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills) has been associated with a slightly increased risk of cervical cancer. The risk may decrease after discontinuing their use. High Number of Full-Term Pregnancies: Women who have had multiple full-term pregnancies may have a slightly increased risk of cervical cancer. The reasons for this association are not fully understood. Family History: A family history of cervical cancer may increase an individual's risk, suggesting potential genetic factors. Chlamydia Infection: Infection with the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis has been linked to a slightly increased risk of cervical cancer. However, the association is not as strong as the link between HPV and cervical cancer.

Is smoking a risk factor for cervical cancer?

Smoking is not considered a direct risk factor for cervical cancer. However, it can indirectly increase the risk of developing cervical cancer by contributing to the persistence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which is a well-established risk factor for cervical cancer. Here's how smoking is related to cervical cancer: HPV Infection: HPV is a group of viruses that are primarily transmitted through sexual contact. Certain high-risk strains of HPV, particularly HPV types 16 and 18, are known to cause cervical cancer. Smoking can weaken the immune system's ability to clear HPV infections, leading to a higher likelihood of persistent or long-lasting infections. Impact on Immune Function: Smoking is known to weaken the immune system, making it less effective at fighting infections. This weakened immune response can allow HPV to persist and potentially progress to precancerous or cancerous changes in cervical cells. Increased Severity of Cervical Dysplasia: Smoking has been associated with more severe cervical dysplasia, which is the presence of abnormal cells on the cervix. Severe dysplasia can progress to cervical cancer if left untreated. Reduced Effectiveness of HPV Vaccination: Smoking may reduce the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine in preventing infection with high-risk HPV strains. This underscores the importance of vaccination as a preventive measure for individuals who are eligible, regardless of smoking status.