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Although most laborataries ask the patient to come fasting for an ESR test, studies have shown that there is no staistical difference in the test results in fasting and 1 hr after brekfast.

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Q: Do you have to fast for an anemia blood test?
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Does a blood test test for anemia?

A simple and common blood test used to test for anemia is CBC or the complete blood count. Technically you do not even need a CBC to just test for anemia. A simple Hemoglobin level can detect anemia. But a CBC will give your doctor some more information about the anemia if detected in your blood test. A CBC not only gives you your Hemoglobin level but it also gives you the counts of different types of cells in your blood. It will also give your doctor some more clues about possible causes of the anemia. Simply stated, anemia means a low hemoglobin level in the blood. A hemoglobin level below 8 is critical anemia and normally requires blood transfusion.

How long do you have to fast before a folate blood test?

You cannot eat or drink anything for 8 to 10 hours before having a folate blood test. This test is done to check for anemia, malnutrition, and to ensure birth defects do not happen to a fetus.

Which item on a blood test is used to detect anemia?

hematocrit or hemoglobin test

Do you have to fast for the chickenpox blood test?

No, you don't need to fast for the blood test for chickenpox.

Do you need to fast for a chickenpox blood test?

You do not need to fast for a chickenpox blood test.

What does low MCHC mean in a blood test?

could indicate anemia

What should you do if you have all the symptoms of anemia but have had a negative blood test for anemia?

Get a Second Opinion or look up other options for your symptoms.

Do you have to fast before blood test for hypocalcemia?

No, you do not have to fast before that test. You can have the blood draw done at any time.

Does a blood test invalidate the fast during Ramadan?

I am pretty sure that a blood test breaks your fast, either that or it almost breaks your fast.

How long do you fast for a fasting blood test for metabolic functions?

that depends how fast you can fast when fasting for a fasting blood test for metabolic functions.

What is the equine coggens test for?

The coggins test is a blood test done by vets to see if a horse has Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA).

How do you test someone how that has sickle cell anemia?

By running some blood-tests if you have symptoms that indicate you have the disease. Some of those symptoms are anemia, jaundice, pain in long bones, abdomen pain etc. One of those test is "sickle solubility test." If it is positive, you have sickle cell anemia, another one is electrophoresis.