

Do you have to have a septic?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It depends on the laws and rules that apply where you live. If you are not on a city sewer system, a septic system is usually required to dispose of human waste underground to avoid sewage on the ground (SOG.) A septic system destroys any pathogens (anaerobic germs that could cause illness) using basically the same "good" bacteria as a wastewaster treatment plant, only within the soil surrounding the drainfield. Treatment plants use a series of pens and tanks in a combination before disposing of the "treated" effluent into surface water or into a large underground drainfield. Properly designed septic systems provide at least as good treatment as a municipal treatment plant without the extensive collection system that municipal treatment requires. The collection system can be a source of problems as is the discharge where an accumulation of substances such as nitrate can buildup in the soil or groundwater.

But yes, if you're not in reach of a city wastewater treatment plant you may be allowed to utilize a pit privy (outhouse,) a composting toilet, a holding tank system or a full blown septic tank and drainfield. Wash water usually known as grey water may or may not have to pass through the septic tank on your rural property to meet the laws of your state or county.

Want a short answer? Call your local county health department or district and ask them.

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How to Clean a Septic Tank?

An overfilled septic tank can cause backups in a sewer line, causing many problems in a plumbing system. If a septic tank has overflowed, it is usually clogged with excessive organic debris. A septic tank cleaner can be a good first step when treating a septic tank overflow. Septic tank cleaners contain natural bacteria and enzymes, designed to break down organic material in human waste. Excessive disposal of bleach and detergents into a septic line can kill these bacteria, preventing the breakdown of septic waste in a tank. If a septic cleaner doesn't clear a tank after a week, it may be necessary to use a professional septic tank cleaning service.

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septic tank

Can you put an in ground trampoline by a septic line?

If your septic line is deep enough, you can.

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it upon the material used to build the septic tank

Is septic shock accidental death?

Septic shock is not accidental death. Septic shock is a severe infection in the blood stream that causes illness and death.