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Q: Do you have to jump all possible pieces if its not possible in the game checkers?
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Can you jump your own piece with a king in a game of checkers?

Only the knights are able to jump over another chess piece. The king can only move one square at a time.

When playing checkers what is the penalty to a player who doesn't jump when they can?

If a player does not jump when they can in checkers that piece is taken out of the game.

How far can a king jump in checkers?

A king can jump as far as needed to legally capture pieces.

How do the pieces move in checkers?

Diagonally--they need to stay on the same colored square through the entire game. You can jump pieces, as well. Only one square at a time otherwise.

What can jump a king in a game of checkers?

Either a king or an ordinary playing piece may jump a king in a game of checkers in the United States of America. But the rules are different in Italy. Specifically, in an Italian game of checkers, only a king is allowed to jump a king.

Do you have to take a jump in checkers?

Contrary to popular belief, the original game of Checkers rule pamphlet does not state that you must take a jump.

What is a rainbow move in checkers?

When you jump over two pieces of your opponent's. You stand up and show them your rear. That's the "rainbow" move in checkers.

Can a king jump a king and capture it in the game of checkers?


What piece in checkers can jump other pieces in any direction?

The king or Queen (depending on what you call it)

Is it possible to do a quadrupal jump in checkers?

If your marbles are lined up long enough making it possible to jump 4 times, then yes.

In checkers can a single piece jump a king?

Yes, a single piece can jump a king … in a game of checkers in the United States of America. But this is not the case in Italy. In the Italian version, a king legally can be captured only by another king.

If you have a chance to jump the opponent do you have to jump or can you make a safe move if by jumping you would then be jumped by the other player on the next turn?

You must jump if the opportunity presents itself in a game of checkers. The rules specify that captures are not optional. Any capture that may be made must be made in checkers.