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Q: Do you have to make your insurance carrier aware of SS Disability eligibility?
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Can you work if you are accepting Social Security Disability Insurance?

Yes it is possible to draw disability and work part time; however there are certain restrictions you need to be aware of. This site may be able to answer some of your questions,

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You might consider contacting their libability insurance carrier.? They will be aware of the consequences and can make their point about the issue better than most people.

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I'm not aware of any insurance companies that cover Viagra.

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George H. W. Bush is quite old and becoming somewhat frail. His son George W. Bush has no particular disability that I'm aware of.

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None, that I am aware of.

How to Obtain Disability Insurance?

Every year, thousands of people are injured at work. Many people may survive such injuries. However, many of those people also lose their ability to work due to debilitating disabilities. One way to guard against this possibility is through disability insurance. Disability insurance exists to provide people that can on longer work due to a disability with income. For many people, their livelihoods depend on receiving this income. Obtaining disability insurance isn't easy. However, if you use the advice below, you will find it is indeed obtainable. The first thing you should do is educate yourself on the different elements of a disability insurance plan. For one, you should be aware that the benefits period represents the length of time that the policy will pay out income. You should also know a term referred to as the elimination period. This is the space between being injured and when you receive disability income. For most policies, they will only pay out until someone reaches the age of 65. At that point, a person is expected to live off of income from Social Security. You should also inquire about whether or not your employer provides disability insurance. This is not very common. However, certain employers do provide this kind of insurance to their employees. Next, you should determine whether or not a policy meets your needs with the amount of coverage it provides. Certain plans only pay out a certain percent of your previous salary. You should investigate this and purchase a plan that you believe would pay out enough for you to live on until you reach the age of 65. You should also become educated on the exclusions of certain policies. Many policies have extremely strict guidelines that dictate what kinds of disabilities and injuries are covered and which are not. For example, certain plans may not cover mental disabilities. If you employer does not provide disability insurance, you may need to shop around for a plan yourself. You can do this by contacting insurance agents that work in your area. Visiting insurance websites on the internet is also a good option. In general, most large insurance companies offer disability plans. However, even if your employer does provide disability insurance, it may still be a good idea to supplement that plan with another policy. That should certainly be the case if your company's insurance wouldn't provide you with enough benefits to live on comfortably.

Why is it important to know your clients needs in insurance?

Unless you as insurance advisor are aware of customers' insurance needs, your canvassing to sell insurance policy will be futile. There is a familiar quote in insurance parlance that insurance policies are not purchased but sold. So it's the duty of the insurance agent or advisor to make the prospect aware about his/her insurance needs through financial planning so that he/she is motivated to go for buying insuance policy

How can a car insurance specialist help me save on my auto insurance?

A car insurance specialist may be able to find discounts on your coverage that you are not aware of.

What English car insurance companies went out of business in 2010?

None that I am aware of.

What You Should Know About Disability Insurance?

Most americans have life insurance; however, it is much more likely that an adult will suffer a disability rather than death during their working pre-retirement years. Disability insurance is simply a policy that will pay a percentage of your income should you become injured and unable to work. The percentage of your income can vary by policy ranging on average from 40% to 70% or more. Disability insurance should not be confused with worker’s compensation. A worker’s compensation policy covers you only if you are injured at work. It is more likely someone will become disabled due to illness or an accident outside of work. When shopping for disability insurance there several important factors you must be aware of. First, make sure the policy covers your specific occupation, meaning that it will pay out if you are unable to return to your pre disability job. Policies that will only cover your loss of income if you are unable to return to any type of job are not as beneficial to you and should be avoided. The percentage of your income that is covered is also an important item to be clear on before choosing your policy. Ideally, 70% or above would be the best choice. After an injury there is a period of time you must wait before your disability insurance will start paying for your loss of income. Typically this waiting period is two months. Also, each disability insurance policy defines total disability in its own language. You want to know the exact wording of this definition before choosing your disability policy. In choosing your policy you must make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Decide what is most important to you and how much you can afford to meet those priorities. By keeping focus on coverage for your occupation, percentage of income covered, and the length of the waiting period you should be able to compare similar policies without getting lost in extra information. The average American family has less than three months of income saved for emergencies. Having disability insurance is the best way to protect yourself and your family should the worst happen. Take the first step and start your research now.

Is disability insurance premium allowed as a pretax deduction in Ohio?

The pretaxing of disability premiums is a decision made by employers when setting up Section 125 benefit plans. There are three possible configurations: pretax only, after tax only, or employee chooses. When the premium is paid pre-tax the benefit becomes taxable when an employee is disabled. The employer and employee would both have a FICA or payroll tax obligation for the benefit paid. The insurance company may issue a 1099 statement for the benefits. There is no Ohio law changing the IRS guidelines on this topic that I am aware of.