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Q: Do you have to pay taxes on a gift of a few thousand dollars in the US?
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a few thousand dollars that all

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A small loan is an amount that can be anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. These loans can range from personal to business loans.

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This entirely depends on where you purchase it from. The cost of a Burberry diaper bag can run anywhere from a few hundred dollars, to a few thousand dollars.

What are some places with gift card specials?

I know that stores like walmart and walgreens typically sell the gift cards at a few dollars discount. like a 50 dollar card you can get for 45 dollars.

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It depends but usually between a few thousand to a few hundred thousand dollars if the models aren't as well known and much more for supermodels.

How much do cats cost in the US?

You can get one for free or pay up to a few thousand dollars.

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the price could range from around a few thousand or a few billion dollars if it were ever for sale

How much did guns cost in the 1930s?

a few dollars to a few thousand. How much did a car or house cost? depends on the type or size.