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it's best to start with small things and work your way up

otherwise its a bloody mess and then if it doesn't heal fast enough (before the next time you have to crap) Then you will get poop going in to open sores that will cause an anal infection that might require antibiotic IV drip.

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Yes, it is important to gradually stretch and train the muscles of the anal sphincter in order to safely accommodate larger insertions. Using proper lubrication and relaxation techniques can help prevent injury and increase comfort. It is also advisable to listen to your body's signals and stop if there is any pain or discomfort.

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Continue Learning about Natural Sciences

What element is best able to combine with itself and hydrogen to form large molecules?

Carbon is best able to combine with itself and hydrogen to form large molecules due to its ability to form strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms and hydrogen. This allows for the formation of diverse carbon-based structures such as hydrocarbons, polymers, and complex biomolecules.

How can human populations have a greater impact on ecosystems than populations of most other living things?

THE CASTLE LEARNING ANSWER CHOICE IS: CAN MODIFY THEIR ENVIRONMENT THROUGH TECHNOLOGYHumans also remove large amounts of carbon dioxide from the air but that is not the major reasonHumans are able to make large scale changes to the environment. Through pollution or physically changing the environment.

How is That newtons contribution to math and science was important?

Because without it physics and experiments and other things you wouldn't be able to know lots of things or experiment a lot of things.

What is the role of cosmids in recombinent DNA technology?

Cosmids are plasmids that carry larger segments of DNA (up to 45 kb) and can be used to clone DNA fragments that are too large for traditional plasmids. They are useful in recombinant DNA technology for cloning and manipulating large DNA fragments, such as genes or gene clusters. Cosmids can be used to construct genomic libraries and study gene expression and regulation.

Which element is best able to combine with itself and hydrogen to form large molecules?

You think probable to carbon.

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Practice, practice, practice. The optician should be able to help you get over your fear.

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