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No you do not have to mulch your daylilies. Most gardeners do to cut down on weeding and watering.

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Q: Do you have to put mulch around your daylilies?
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Is it okay to put rubber mulch under and around my trampoline?

You can put it around but not under

Do rabbits eat daylilies?

Rabbits and deer eat daylilies. Even cats will chew on daylilies.

Where in the world has daylilies?

There are daylilies in most temperate locations.

Can daylilies be grown in pots?

Yes. Daylilies can be grown in pots.

What type of mulch should be used around a newly planted Colorado Blue Spruce?

Any organic material will do just make sure the ground is well watered before you put the mulch on.

What are the worms in Daylilies?

Daylilies are very hardy. The pests that bother daylilies are rust, thrips, spider mites, snails, and crown rot.

What causes daylilies to turn yellow?

Most likely it is because your daylilies have too little or too much water. If you are concerned by the soil, have it tested and ask the expert what amendments you need for your daylilies. Most daylilies are very hardy.

Will cows get sick eating daylilies and irises?

Iris is toxic to cattle but daylilies are not toxic.

How are daylilies shipped?

Most daylilies are shipped bare root. Generally they are wrapped in damp newspaper to keep them moist from shipping. Because they are so hardy, just put the roots or tubers in water for a day before planting them in your yard.

How do you get rid of bees in a mulch bed?

Use a spray bee killer for the particular type of bees in the mulch bed. Be careful walking around the mulch as the bees may be inside the mulch as well.

Are daylilies poisionous?

Daylilies are not poisonous. In fact, all parts of the daylily are edible. The Chinese use the buds in stirfry. And you may have to spray the daylilies with repellant to keep deer and rabbits from chewing on them.

What is the proper way to mulch a tree?

The best way to mulch a tree is by using a product called Mulch Mat, it is made by Perm-A-Mulch. You get the size you need, lay it around the tree, it lasts for 10 years.