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you don't have to put water in food coloring you can put it in icing or cake batter

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Q: Do you have to put water in the food coloring?
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Related questions

Is food coloring in water a solute?

yes food coloring is a solution is water because once you put it in it mixes and can not be seperated.

What happens if you place a drop of food coloring in a glass of water?

When you put a drop of food coloring into a glass of water, the water will turn that color.

How do you describe an experiment that would show that water evaporates but not what's in it?

put some water in a cup then put in some food coloring and then put it under a burner then after awhile all that is left is the food coloring.

Is it ok put food coloring in crickets concentated water?

Yes, it is okay to put food coloring in Crickets concentrated water. It will change the water to a desired color without any harmful effects. Food coloring colors can include red, blue, green, and yellow.

If dried ice if you put food coloring in it?

the water will be the same color

What's the steps of what happens when you put food coloring in water?

If I remember my science class correctly it has something to do with diffusion. the molecules of the food coloring combine with the molecules of the water which is why the food coloring doesn't separate from the water that easily. that is if i remember my science class correctly.

Food coloring in water?

It is a main source of color you choose to put in the water and make it the color

Is it OK put food coloring in crickets concentrated water?

It may be fine to put food coloring on dead crickets in water. However, it may be harmful and painful to the insects if you apply food color them while alive, and may cause them to die.

Can you put food coloring in the lotion?

It depends on your reasons, but yes, you can put food coloring in lotion.

Does water mix with food coloring?

Yes. There is no harm in drinking water with food coloring. Food coloring is made to be consumed, whether with water, cake icing, or other foods.

If you put a color in water does it change?

It will change if you put like food coloring or something like that but it works.

Is it true that when something dissolves in water the water should look transparent?

no because if you put food coloring into the water it will have a color