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Q: Do you have to replant iris bulbs right awawy after you dig them up?
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When should you replant iris bulbs that have been divided and should you do anything special to them before they go back in the ground?

The fall season is when you replant them. I don't do anything special - just cut the tops down to four or five inches.

Is an iris a rhizome?

Many iris do have rhizomes. But some do have bulbs.

Should you cover iris bulbs in winter?

Iris do not need covering in winter.

What type of roots does a iris have?

Irises have either bulbs or rhizomes.

Can you also store iris bulbs in the refrigerator?

Yes, but in the veggie drawer.

How many iris bulbs to plant in 6 inch pot?

Iris do not have bulbs- they have a rhizome, a specialized root, and do not grow in small pots. Even one root in a 6 inch pot would not work.

What type of root does an Iris plant have?

Most irises have rhizomes but some have bulbs.

Should I plant Iris bulbs in a group or should I spread them out?

Iris bulbs should typically be planted one and a half feet apart but planting them in groups of three will yield a beautiful arrangement. So yes, you can plant them in small groups.

Can an Aerogarden grow Iris flowers?

You cannot grow Irises in an Aerogarden because they are bulbs or rhizome based, not seed.

When should you plant flowers?

Most gardeners plant in the spring. However bulbs and iris are best planted in fall.

What the iris used for in the garden?

Irises are very colorful. They are a great addition to the spring garden coming after the spring bulbs.

Is iris considered broadleaved or narrow leaved in terms of herbicide applications?

It depends upon the particular iris [Irisspp] as to whether the plant will be affected by broadleaved or narrow leaved herbicide applications. Generally, those iris plants such as the amur iris [Iris maackii], Douglas iris [Iris douglasiana], and Virginia iris [Iris virginica] that are water feature and water body lovers tend to be broadleaved. Additionally, the bulbous iris that's grown from bulbs has wider, cylindrical leaves at their bases whereas rhizomatous iris that spreads by underground rhizomes has narrower, sword shaped leaves. Examples of popular narrow leaved iris plants include Algerian iris [Iris unguicularis varangustifolia], Pacific Coast iris [Iris tenax], and Siberian iris [Iris siberica ].