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Q: Do you have to sign charging documents before being sentenced to prison?
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What does sentenced to die mean?

sentenced to die or death means that they person or people are going to be put to death in prison (if they are in prison)

Was Jack Ruby sentenced?

yeah not in prison through he was supposed to have a death penalty but it overturned when he died before new trial so the court never had a chance to sentenced him again

How long was Hitler in jail for?

sentenced to 5 years at Lansberg prison only served 9 months before he was pardoned and released

How can one end up in a prison cell?

One can end up in a prison cell by committing various types of crimes. For some crimes, the accused are held in prison cells even before they are sentenced.

Did Fidel Castro go to prison before becoming the leader of Cuba?

He was sentenced to 15 years but was released in 2 years.

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Why was ali sentenced to prison?

Draft evasion

How many years will Eminem be in prison for killing his wife Kim in an alternate universe?

He'll be sentenced to life in prison without parole (or sentenced to death).

A person sentenced to sixteen months in a state prison actually serve how much time?

a person sentenced to sixteen months in a state prison actually serves how much time? a person sentenced to sixteen months in a state prison actually serves how much time?

Why are so many Americans in prison?

Because they were convicted of crimes and sentenced to prison terms.

How can I find inmates in a prison?

A friend of mine was recently sentenced to prison. Is there a way for me to find inmates in prison to speak to him?

When was Stephen F Austin sentenced to prison?
