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no. you do not

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Q: Do you have to stir tea clockwise if you live in the southern hemisphere?
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Does it make a differenceif you stir clockwise or anticlockwise?

My mom stirred the soup clockwise

Does it make a difference whether you stir anti clockwise or clockwise?

it depends on the size of the spoon.

Which way do you stir mince meat?

Clockwise for good luck.

What is clockwise?

for eg if you want to stir a cup of tea and stir it towards right its is clock wise as it is moving in the direction of the clock (i.e. 12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11). If you do it the opposite way it is anti-clockwise.

Is it lucky to stir porridge clockwise or anti-clockwise?

There is no evidence to suggest that stirring anything in a specific direction brings any form of luck.

Does stirring your coffee counter clockwise a good thing?

yes honestly speaking, people never realise that stirring anti-clockwise increase the positive energy in the cup thus making the coffee taste unbelievable! today i stirred water anticlockwise and it turned into freakin wine! its freakin unbelievable

What is the purpose of Southern Gospel music?

The purpose of Southern Gospel music is to stir one spirit in a way that brings one closer to Jesus. The intention is to bring one to a state of worship and love.

What is a stir fry?

what is a stir-fry

What is stir-frying?

what is a stir-fry

What is stir frying?

what is a stir-fry

Why is a stir fry called 'Stir Fry'?

Stir fry is called Stir fry because it is made in a wok and you stir the meal to cook it, otherwise it burns, and also you fry it in a wok.

In Harris and Me what other emotions in the book stir for the main character?

Happiness and enjoying vacation because he is going to live with his father.