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The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a course designed to standardize religious instruction so that the truths of the Faith and the sacrament are taught to all those that approach the Church seeking baptism. It, however, is a convenience, not a strict prerequisite. All who seek baptism must undergo some instruction in the Faith from some tutor in more or less of a methodical manner, unless the person is under immediate danger of death. The ultimate decision is the priest's, so if he decides the candidate is ready, he will invite them to approach the sacrament.

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Yes you do, you become a full Catholic receiving baptism, confirmation and Holy Communion.

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Q: Do you need to take RCIA classes to become Catholic if you've never been baptized in any faith?
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Roman Catholic AnswerOf course, if the child is baptized, it is required that he be raised in the Catholic faith. If a child is not baptized, there must be reasonable assurance that he will be raised in the faith, to be baptized.

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The sacrament that brings you into the Catholic faith is Baptism. Any parish can arrange for you to undergo the preparation necessary to be baptized.

When do Catholics baptize their members?

Usually, and most often, when they are infants, provided that the parents desire to bring them up in the Catholic faith. Otherwise, when adults, if thet desire to become Catholic, they are baptized after extensive classes at the Easter Vigil, as well as being confimed and receiving the eucharist.

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Yes, however you will probably be baptized conditionally to assure that you have been baptized.

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To be baptized Catholic as a child, the only proof required is that parents must have the intent to raise child in the Catholic faith. To be baptized Catholic as an adult, you need to attend classes on the rite of Christian initation (RCIA) and then be baptized. These classes meet for about 6 months before baptism at Easter Vigil

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He was baptized a few days after his birth into the Catholic faith.

How did St. Anthony of Padua become a Christian?

St. Anthony of Padua was born into a Christian family in Lisbon, Portugal, and was baptized when he was young. He later joined the Augustinian order and became a priest, deepening his faith and commitment to Christianity.

Mother Teresa was a member of what faith?

Mother Teresa was a life-long Catholic. She was baptized the day after she was born.

How does someone go about changing their religion to Catholic?

The typical way is to contact the local Catholic parish priest in your community. He will probably introduce you to the Catholic Faith by setting you up in a catechesis program - a program meant to teach about basic Catholic beliefs - such as the RCIA. At the end of this program you may be baptized if you so wish (providing you have not been baptized before) and thereby officially become part of the Church and have access to the sacraments.

What does candidate mean in Catholic terms?

A candidate in the Catholic Church is someone in the process of becoming a member of the Catholic faith who has already been baptized in another Christian Church by means recognized by the Catholic Church (i.e. done in the name of the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit). A person converting who has not been previously baptized is known as a Catechumen.

What is the term for a Catholic convert?

Individuals who have been baptized in the name of the Trinity do not "convert" to the RC faith, as the church recognizes such baptisms as valid (Mt - Baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; St. Paul - One Faith, One Baptism, One Lord of All). Such individuals enter into full fellowship with the faith. For those 'doubtfully baptized' Christians, (Pentecostals et. who have been baptized only in the name of Jesus). The individual is 'conditionally' baptized in the name of the Trinity... you could consider them to be 'converts. Non-Christians would be baptized and you could consider them to be 'convets'.

Can non catholics receive anointing of the sick?

Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament in the Catholic Church implying forgiveness of sins and is meant for baptized Catholics. A baptized Christian should seek his own denomination minister for the rite of that particular church. However, in danger of death a baptized non-catholic can be anointed by a catholic priest if he does not have access to his own faith minister. He must personally request the anointing and be aware of the Catholic teaching and indeed desires to be disposed toward the Catholic faith.