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Yes, because HIV is transmitted by blood to blood contact, if your child gets a cut and opens a door with a bloody hand or something and someone else's child comes along with say a paper cut and opens that same door, the blood from your child might git into the other child's cut and infect that child. It's just precautionary they shouldn't make to big of a fuss about the whole thing, they'll just look after your child better while he/she is at school.

* On the contrary to the above you most only tell if there are laws mandating it in the area you live in. If there aren't it comes more to a matter of the age of the child; A high schooler could probably keep those around them safe, but a 5 year old would need extra care. Another thing to think about is any medication that would be taken during the school day.

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Q: Do you have to tell the school if your child is HIV positive?
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No. You may choose to tell him/her or not.

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yes i will abode.........because hiv do not spread by touching........and without physical relation

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Yes. All doctors in the United States are required to inform a patient who has tested positive for the HIV virus.

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It is better to be HIV negative than HIV positive. An HIV positive person is infected with HIV.

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yes, because the mother will have to breastfeed her child in the process her child will obtain the virus, the virus can not be genetically transferred however

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A man or a woman can be HIV negative and a partner can be positive if the manor the woman prevent him her self by using preservative(condom) in order not to infect each other orthe next partner, notice: using preservative in not 100 percent safe

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You need to talk to a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor) about this.

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no... he is not hiv positive..

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Anti-Retrovirals before birth of the child. Then just dont breast feed (although it has been assumed to be not that high a risk)

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Can people who is not hIV positive can stay with hIV positive?

Yes they can.