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If you want to live in Antarctica, yes, you must have a job. You work for your government's scientific department.

American citizens, for example, work for the National Science Foundation.

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Q: Do you have work in antarctica?
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Why do scientists only work in Antarctica for the summer?

80% of people work in the summer in antarctica

Why does an explorer go to Antarctica?

Explorers to go to Antarctica to explore: this is their work.

How much industrial work is in Antarctica?

None. Antarctica is a continent dedicated to science.

What government facilities are in antarctica?

All facilities in Antarctica are supported by a government, and the work there is scientific.

What types of homes are in Antarctica?

There are no homes in Antarctica. There are research stations with dorms, cafeterias and work locations.

What is unique about the houses in Antarctica?

There are no 'houses' per se in Antarctica. There are living quarters and work sites.

The people who live in antarctica are there to have a vacation?

Yes, people tour Antarctica on their vacations, and they live elsewhere. People who live and work temporarily in Antarctica are not on vacation.

Could you stay in Antarctica?

Yes, you can live in Antarctica if you are hired by a government to perform work on the continent. You can also 'stay' in Antarctica if you fund your own expedition.

Why is it bad for oil companies to be in Antarctica?

No oil company work is allowed in Antarctica, based on The Antarctic Treaty.

What do people in the Antarctica do?

People who live and work in Antarctica do so in pursuit of science about the health of planet earth.

What is the housing in antarctica?

People who live and work temporarily in Antarctica sleep in dorms or tents, eat in cafeterias or tents and work in work spaces or tents, or in the open air.

Where do Antarctica scientists live?

Scientists who work and live in Antarctica temporarily sleep in dorms or tents, eat in cafeterias or cafe tents and work in work spaces or in the field, depending on the nature of their investigation.