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Most of the latest research shows that a good diet for ADHD is similar to diets that help autistic patients. Lowering the amount of gluten and casein in ones diet is a great way to alleviate many symptoms associated with ADHD. Check out "The Autism and ADHD Diet: A Step-By-Step Guide to Hope and Healing" by Barrie Silberberg.

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Q: Do you know any ADHD diet books, newer than the Feingold diet?
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Are there any websites that can help me find feingold diet?

You can learn about the Dr. Feinglold Diet at This diet is said to help reduce the symptoms of ADHD, ADD and other common problems.

What is the Dr. Feingold diet?

The Dr. Feingold diet plan is not your typical "weight loss" diet plan, rather it is a plan to promote better behavior, growth and health - particularly for those who have been diagnosed with ADHD. More information can be found at

The Process of Elimination?

The Feingold Diet, developed by Dr. Benjamin Feingold, is actually a program designed to identify food allergies and sensitivities that may be responsible for causing ADD and ADHD in children. Stage one of the Feingold Diet is the elimination stage. During this time, no additives, such as coloring, preservatives, salicylates, artificial flavoring, and artificial sweeteners, may be consumed. The purpose of stage two is to determine if any salicylates can be tolerated. Behavior is monitored as foods are gradually added back into the diet. Many children who suffer from ADD or ADHD have experienced great success with the Feingold Diet.

What food can you have in the Feingold diet?

Unfortunately there is no comprehensive food list posted for free online containing information for the Feingold Diet. The following website however tells you what kind of foods are eliminated from the diet which could help you compile your own list:

Where can I find out more about Dr. Feingold Diet?

The Dr. Feingold Diet is a diet program that incorporates the healing properties of some foods to manage various symptoms. More information can be seen here

What is the feingold diet Is it good for you?

The Feingfold diet involves two stages and helps eliminate body fat with the 2 stages. It is good for you because you're getting healthier when you do this. You can find dietry plans and excersizing programs at

Does the dr feingold diet really work?

The Dr. Feingold diet has mixed reviews. Some people say it works great, while others say it did nothing at all for them. It depends on how much weight you need to lose.

Where can i learn more information about a diet plan for children with adhd?

Children with ADHD should be following a specific diet that has a lot fish and omega 3 fatty acids in it. It helps the receptors in the brain do what they are supposed to do better.

are any diets special for adhd patients? offers some advice for diets for ADHD patients. also offers some great help when it comes to a diet for ADHD patients. It is also advised to check with your doctor about some diet ideas for those dealing with ADHD.

What type of foods can help victims with adhd?

Several different diets can minimize the symptoms of ADHD. These include a gluten free diet and low sugar diet. You can learn more about diets for ADHD here:

Is there a good diet for ADHD sufferers?

A carbohydrate/protein-balanced diet��_ is a good option for a child with ADHD. You can find more information on that here

Is there a link between ADHD and nutrition?

There have been some links between ADHD and nutrition. Some studies have indicated that a poor diet can worsen ADHD symptoms and a good diet can improve them.