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Q: Do you lose all your teeth?
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What teeth are the teeth you get when your 12?

When our 12 and you start to lose lose all of your baby teeth and get buck teeth, and start to get your second molars (ouch! painful)

Do huskies lose all there puppy teeth?

no the simply eat there teeth.

How many teeth does a child lose?

They loose all of their teeth than they becom adults teeth idn how many though

Which animals lose there teeth?

Mostly all of them

Are you sposto lose all your teeth?


What teeth do puppies lose first?

Puppies lose all of their baby or milk teeth. As the adult teeth grow in the milk teeth should fall out. Sometimes both will be visible.

When your kid supposed to loose first teeth?

Children are suppose to lose all of their teeth. It's when they are adults, they're not suppose to lose any teeth!

How many teeth to you lose as a kid?

Children lose a total of 20 teeth. That is all the teeth that children get. Then their adult teeth start coming in and replacing their first set of teeth. They will get a total of 28 to 32 as adults.its about 20

How do kids lose teeth?

They loose all of their teeth than they becom adults teeth idn how many though

What age should you lose your teeth?

about 10 years old you should lose them all

Do dogs lose teeth at 3 years old?

When growing up, dogs will lose all their puppy teeth before they are 10 months old. By this time, all adult teeth will have grown. If older dogs lose their teeth it is for some other medical problem.

Do dogs lose their teeth?

It all depends on the breed. The typical age is anywhere from 8-14 months.They loose there teeth when they are aproximatly 1 year old