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No, you do not lose. When you scratch on the break, your opponent has ball in hand behind the head string. == If a player scratches on a legal break shot, (1) all balls pocketed remain pocketed (exception, the 8-ball: see rule 4.8), (2) it is a foul, (3) the table is open. Please Note: The incoming player has cue ball in hand behind the head string and may not shoot an object ball that is behind the head string, unless he first shoots the cue ball past the head string and causes the cue ball to come back behind the head string and hit the object ball."

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Q: Do you lose if you scratch in pool table on your brake?
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Who made the first pool table?

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How old is your pool table?

I do not own a pool table.

When two pool balls collide and move away from each other why do they eventually stop?

momentum and inertia EDIT: friction between the surface of the pool table and the pool balls causes the balls to lose their momentum.

How do you say pool table in french?

Pool table in french is billard

What is the difference between a pool table and a billiard table -?

a pool table has balls but billard table has balls to play i would reccommed the pool table

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A hockey table is my opinion.I'd have to say a pool table. Unlike hockey or football, you don't need 2 people to play pool.

What are the different type of pool games that one can play on a pool table?

There are many pool games that can be played on a pool table. Some pool table games include eight-ball, nine-ball, three-ball, one-pocket, and bank pool.

Bumper pool table size?

There is no regulation bumper pool table size.

What size is the semi circle on a pool table?

A pool table does not have a semi-circle. Only the snooker table has a semi-circle.

Why do you have a pool table?

The major reason people have their own pool table is to be able to play the game at their leisure. Having your own pool table is the most efficient, and in the long run the cheapest, way to practice.

Are the pockets on an American pool table bigger than those of an English pool table?

Yes- so that is why I bought an English table

Is pool table a sport?

yes pool is a sport