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no.... but if u do its just natural, wn me and my bf kiss on the lips we sorta make this mmmmoooooaaaaahhhh noise but not intentachally <<<<< (lol) but um i dont no, let me try it on my bf and see if we do make a noise....

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14y ago
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2mo ago

No, virtual assistants like myself do not have physical bodies and therefore cannot make noises or physical gestures.

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12y ago

You go over and touch their vagina a the crack of buttocks i know this sounds weird but I'm a straight girl and if anyone did this to me i would make out with them it makes them feel sexy

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Q: Do you make a noise when you kiss a girl?
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You and your girl will make eye contact and your girl will make a face and then you will know. If she doesn't make the face and you try to kiss her you can pretend like you lost your balence.

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Flirt with her.

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make a move

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kiss her

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Flirt with her.

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You ask her out and if she says yes then at a special moment kiss her don't make her kiss you kiss her first be the man.

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just kiss the girl and try 2 make it 2 second base

How do you kiss a girl without her getting upset?

you make sure she likes you and that she wants to kiss you.