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Q: Do you make a sound on the french horn by vibrating your lips and blowing into the mouthpiece?
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What does the trumpet french horn and trombone have in common?

They are all brass instruments that create sound by vibrating the lips against a mouthpiece.

How is the sound produced from the bass clarinet?

The player blows through the mouthpiece, vibrating the reed. These vibrations make sound waves, producing sound.

The player produces sound on a brass instrument by vibrating his or her lips in a cup-shaped mouthpiece?

The instruments of the brass family make sound by causing the player's lips to buzz in a metal cup-shaped mouthpiece.

Describe How Sound Is Produced On Your Trombone?

A trombone is a brass instrument, therefore its sound is produced by you blowing air through your mouth and vibrating your lips. the octave is changed by how fast or slow you vibrate your lips.

How do trumpets make music and sound?

The initial sound is that created by the lips vibrating in teh mouthpiece. The vibrating air is then sent around using lno valves and a combination of valves variouys tibes to change the frequency

What size mouthpiece for a French horn?

There is no right or wrong size to play on. The smaller the number the bigger the mouthpiece, the bigger the sound, though some people can get a great sound on a small mouthpiece. To find the right mouthpiece for you, you really just need to try. A LOT. See what SOUNDS best, not feels best. You'll get used to the way it feels.

How does a trumpet make a sound?

The trumpet doesn't, it just tunes and amplifies the buzzing sound produced by the players lips.

How come blowing through a pipe makes a sound?

Brass instruments involve the blowing of air into a mouthpiece. The vibrations of the lips against the mouthpiece produce a range of frequencies. ... This forces the air inside of the column into resonance vibrations. The result of resonance is always a big vibration - that is, a loud sound.

What part of french horn vibrates?

The sound of the French Horn is produced by the vibration of the player's lips inside the mouthpiece.

How are trombones and trumpets similar?

They are both members of the brass family of instruments. This means that they both produce sound starting with the players lips vibrating against the mouthpiece.

What thing vibrates in a clarinet?

The reed on the mouthpiece of the clarinet vibrates to create a sound. Though the whole clarinet is vibrating lightly when you are playing...But the reed is probably the answer you wanted.

How is the sound produced on the tuba?

a sound is produced on a tuba by blowing air into the mouthpiece of the tuba. as with any other instrument that has a mouthpiecer for example... the flute, Clarinet, french horn, Trumpet, saxaphone, alto sax, baritone, Trombone, base clarinet.. and exct. hope this helps you.