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Q: Do you need a comma before a preposition?
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When using but as a preposition do you put a comma before it?

Yes, when "but" is used as a preposition, a comma is typically not placed before it. It is used to mean "except," "other than," or "besides" in a sentence.

Do you use a comma before a conjunction or preposition?


Do you always need a comma before where?

No. There is no word in English that always requires a comma before it.

Do you need a comma before and?

It is usually not necessary.

Comma before as?

Typically, there is no need for a comma before the word "as." However, using one is not technically wrong, just superfluous.

Do you put a comma before or after and?

Before EX: I need eggs, and butter.

Do you need a comma before a conjunction?

not in all cases.

You need to move your car before it is towed?

you don't need comma

Do comma required before as well as?

The general rule is that it doesn't need a comma before it. Example: I like apples as well as guavas.

Do you always need a comma before or after but?

A comma is typically used before "but" when it connects two independent clauses. However, if "but" is joining phrases within a single sentence, a comma is not necessary.

Do you need to put a comma before the word please?


Does a comma always go before which in a sentence?

No, a comma is not always necessary before "which" in a sentence. Use a comma before "which" when introducing a nonessential clause, but do not use a comma before "which" when introducing an essential clause.