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Q: Do you need a hunting or fishing licence in Manitoba if you are metis?
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The difference between the Metis Bill of rights and the Manitoba Act?

the bill of rights is to let the metis have the rights of everyone else the Manitoba act created Manitoba

What metis leader is considered leader of Manitoba?

Lois reial

What is the Manitoba act of 1870?

the manitoba act allowed the area to enter confederation as a province of manitoba. it also gave the metis land and secured their rights as french speaking canadiens

What are facts about Louis Riel?

Louis Reil was famous and lead the metis and founded Manitoba

Why the metis left Manitoba?

cause cheif zac leblanc needed extra nami's with the bubble q to serve better in european lcs

What river did the Metis settle along when they moved West from Manitoba?

When the Metis were forced to migrate West because of the land speculators demanding the Metis' money scrips for their land, some settled along the Saskatchewan River.

How did metis people use the land to make their living?

Metis people traditionally used the land for hunting, trapping, fishing, agriculture, and gathering wild plants. They were skilled at adapting to their environment and utilizing its resources for their livelihood. This often involved a combination of traditional Indigenous practices and European farming techniques.

How did the metis their food?

The Metis got their food by hunting animals. They could have also traded with the Europians. P.S. i am between the ages of 9-13

Does Canada have eight different cultures?

Canada has many more than eight different cultures. The Confederation has 13 nation members, each with it's own history and cultures within their nation or region. For example in the centre of Canada east/west is Manitoba. In Northern Manitoba there is a Metis culture. There is also a Metis culture in Southern Manitoba. They share a label but are two very different cultures. The Northern Culture will have ties to the Hudson Bay Company and forefathers in Scotland or the UK and have a close connection to the land via hunting and trapping. The Southern Culture will have more ties to Quebec and France, and a close connection to the land from farming as well as hunting and trapping. In that same province there are local cultures with ties to the Ukraine and Iceland as well as other areas. They are all different cultures and all played key roles in the creation of Manitoba and Canada.

How did riel help the metis?

Because they were his people, he fought for their language and territory and freedom. His father was the former leader of the metis so louis took over.

Who is louise riel?

Louis Riel was a leader of the Metis people who led two rebellions in western Canada, he is considered to be the founder of the Province of Manitoba.

What were Louis Rie'ls accomplishments?

Riel had many accomplishments which could include: The creation of Manitoba. French and Catholic rights in Manitoba. The rights of Westerners and Metis in Confederation. The creation of the RCMP. The hostile relationship between Western Canada and Ottawa.