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yes it cost 5000.99 or more depending on your credit

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Q: Do you need a license to have a capuchin monkey in El Paso TX?
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Can you own a capuchin monkey in Dallas Tx?

it depends many monkeys have been banned in the united states put from gathered information i think you can have a marmoset monkey a tamarin and most common a capuchin. you must research the animal of course and you need to inquire information from the Dallas county and SEE IF YOU NEED A PERMIT

Do you need a license in Kansas to own a Capuchin monkey?

Ownership of monkeys in the state of New York is not currently legal. Monkeys grandfathered in (owned prior to the enforcement of the law) are required to be registered with the state.

What is the white faced capuchin monkey's life cycle?

Well I would like to help you but need help finding it myself.

How old do you need to be to get a monkey license in California?


Do you need a license to own a marmoset monkey?

Yes, you do need a permit to own a monkey becasue they are exotic animals which aren't considered house hold pets. Many say to not get a monkey because they could be dangerous and hard maintanince but if you are willing to care for it it may be difficult to get a permit, but you should fight for what you want.

Do you need a?

Do u need a licence to keep capuchin as pets

What license do you need to own a capuchin monkey you are about to buy one and they come with their own license and other stuff but not Florida stuff they are coming from Africa?

There is a special license to own certain species on endangered and protected lists. There are also licenses required to own animals which could become a threat to local species if "lost" or let loose. Best advice is to call a pet store that deals with exotic animals. They should surely have this specific info!If it is coming from Africa, DO NOT get it. It is a SCAM!! DO NOT send money to them cause you will never get the monkey! If you search on google about this you will see it. Only buy if it is coming from the United States. PLEASE DO NOT GET ONE FROM AFRICA!!

Do you need a permit to own a monkey in California?

In some states, one cannot legally own a pet monkey. In addition, one should check with one's homeowners association whether owning a pet monkey is legal. If it is legal in one's state, one should apply for an exhibitor's or breeder's license before getting the monkey.

In what countries is it legal to own a monkey?

Probably some states in the USA. You'd may need to get a license to get one though.

What licence do you need to own a monkey in north America?

You will have to register for a ZTRSA license, which usually costs around $20. If you have intentions of marrying/mating with the monkey, that is a different story. Hope this helps!

I was wondering I have always been a monkey lover And was wondering can you keep them as pets in the UK Do you have to have a licence or something And I would never have a wild caught monkey thanks?

monkey's are legal but you need to get a license which is alot of hassle and money it is not somthing to be done sharply.

Can you have a capuchin monkey as a pet in the UK?

Most Monkey species need a Dangerous wild animal license to own. a license can only be granted by your local authority and the minimum age is 18. some species do not need a license, but there needs still have to be legal meet under the animal welfare act. monkeys are not pets, they are intelligent, unpredictable and social (most species) animals and are difficult and expensive to look after. unless you can keep them in top quality zoo conditions, including indoor and outdoor enclosures, enclosure designs, maintaining and controlling social groups, nutrition, evacuation procedures in emergencies, procedures in case of escape, ext, then you shouldn't own one. for more info on the requirements on keeping monkeys please visit; See below links: