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Used for grinding food, molars are the teeth found in the back of your mouth and are usually the final teeth to erupt. Altogether, we have 12 molars, with six molars in each jaw, and three on each side.

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Q: Do you need all your molars?
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Related questions

Do cows have molars?

Of course! The cows need all the molars they can get. Their diet consists mainly of cellulose and digesting it requires a lot of molar work:)

In which rock-wallabies do the molars grow continuously?

All of them. This is one of the features of some members of the macropod family, not just rock wallabies. They are grazing animals, and need to continuously regrow their molars. Kangaroos, however, do not regrow molars, but have their molars move forwards to replace those that fall out when worn down and unusable.

I have the need for a partial plate for two molars What would be the cost?

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What baby teeth are supposed to fall out?

All of the baby teeth fall out and are replaced

What are back molars for?

All molars are teeth adapted for crushing and chewing food.

Do children lose all their baby molars before permanent molars develop?


What do sheep use their molars for?

Sheep have ridgir molars as they need them for chewing grass so it doesnt get caught in their teeth

How many molars do people have?

If you are an adult and still have your wisdom teeth, the you have 12 molars. If your wisdom teeth have been removed, you have 8 molars, unless on or more of them have been removed in the corse of your life.

Do you get your wisdom teeth or molars pulled?

Yes you pull out all of your teeth and new permanent teeth will come in. By the age of 21 all of your baby teeth will be gone and all of your molars will have erupted.

Is it normal to have head pressure if you molars are coming out?

Yes, it is very normal to have head pressure when you need to get your molars out. Teeth pain can cause a lot of pain in your head.

Do your molars grow back?

Adult molars do not grow back. Infant molars are replaced by adult molars, so in a sense, infant molars do grow back.

If you have all of your teeth which teeth do you have the most of?

Of bicuspids, incisors, canine and molars, humans have more molars. Excluding the wisdom teeth (tertiary molars), the number of incisors, bicuspids, and molars is the same (8 out of an adult total of 28 teeth). Of the 32 permanent teeth, there are: 8 incisors 4 canine 8 bicuspid (premolars) 12 molars