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you need two parents to get it but one parent to become a carrier.

You need two parents with one of the alleles to inherit it but if you have one parent with the allele you might be a carrier. If you have two parents with the allele it does not mean that you will definitely have it. This is because the allele for cystic fibrosis is recessive.

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Q: Do you need one or two parents to inherit cystic fibrosis?
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How does a person becomes infected with cystic fibrosis?

The mother and father both have one mutated cystic fibrosis gene. If the child receives genes from the mother and the father that are both mutated, then the child will develop cystic fibrosis. If the child receives only one chromosome containing the CFTR(cystic fibrosis transport regulator: the gene that is mutated in cystic fibrosis), then the child will not develop CF. He will still have the CF gene, but it is a recessive trait, so you need two of these chromosomes that contain the mutated gene to develop the symptoms of CF and be affected by it. Use a punnet square if you still don't understand :)

If both parents have cystic fibrosis what is the probability that one child will have it?

It depends weather or not the woman carries the cystic fibrosis alele. If she carries a recessive CF allele, then the chances of her and the man having a child with CF is 1/4 But if she doesn't carry it then the child wont have CF but could carry the disorder as a recessive allele. again, the chances of that are 1/4.

Need address to send donations to cystic fiboris foundation?

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (US)- make donation on the link below:

What does cystic fibrosis have to do with heredity?

cystic fibrosis is hereditary but your children will only have a chance at having it if there are at least four children its a one in four kinda thing but they will need to get tested for being a carrier of the cf gene

What resaerch is being done on cystic fibrosis?

Unfortunately, cystic fibrosis cannot be cured. There is medication getting better all the time but now, the government in the UK have not funded in any cure. This means that in the UK, we may only find a cure if a devoted medical professional actually spent his own time to find the cure

What is the genotype of two normal parents who have a child with cystic fibrosis?

The genotype would have to be homozygous recessive if the child was completely effected by the disease. The "normal" paretns would have to have heterozygous recessive genotypes. This makes sense since the allele that causes sickle cell shows incomplete dominance when present with a normal allele in a pair. The "normal" parents actually would have a mixture of sickle cell shaped red blood cells combined with normal shaped ones. The carrier parents does not display symptoms of the disease since the regular red blood cells alone can fill the body's need for oxygen under normal circumstances. The only time the cArrier would notice would be under times of extreme oxygen demand, such as a sprint.

Is cystic fibrosis an infectious disease?

Good Question. The answer is cystic fibrosis is not contagious, however, people with cystic fibrosis tend to carry bacterial infections that can cause serious issues to other people with CF, so infection control procedures should be used when two or more cystics are around each other. General population folks need not fear of getting cystic fibrosis from others - it's a hereditary disease.

Is CF X-linked or incomplete dominance?

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disorder, not an X-linked disorder. It means that both copies of the gene responsible for CF need to be mutated in order to develop the disorder. Incomplete dominance refers to a genetic trait where the heterozygous condition results in an intermediate phenotype, which is not the case for CF.

What two parts of the body are affected by cystic fibrosis?

cystic fibrosis means there is too much fluid in the lungs and it makes it very hard for them to breathe. It also affects their growing and their digestive system because of the mucus. Unfortunately even a small cold can make them very sick because it affects the lungs. Unfortunately they usually die in their 30's and it is a very serious disease that more people need to be educated about.

How many copies of an allele need to be present for someone to have cystic fibrosis?

Both cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia are single mutation diseases - one mutation in a single gene is enough to cause the disease. However, for cystic fibrosis both alleles of the gene must be mutated for the disease to develop. For sickle cell anemia, only one allele can carry the mutation and some signs of the disorder will be present. Having two alleles with the mutation causes much more significant disease.

Which symptons would you show to get a chest physiotherapy?

To get chest physiotherapy you would need to be showing symptoms of cystic fibrosis. Symptoms include wheezing, lung infections and also breathlessness.

Why treatment with medicines does not cure cystic fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder. You can alleviate symptoms CAUSED by the defect but to completely cure the disease the faulty gene needs to be disrupted in ALL tissues affected by it. Realistically it can only be done effectively if gene therapy is applied when the embryo of a sufferer is still a bundle of stem cells in their mother's womb, elminating need for repeat gene therapy after birth.