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Haha, no. The signs that it needs to change is if it will not fit into its shell all of the way. (When its legs are mostly out)

Edit: Actually, Hermit crabs do not pee on you. That wetness you feel when you hold them in your hand is actually shell water that they carry around in their shell to keep their soft abdomen moist. If their abdomen dries out, they will die. This is why it is important to make sure they have a fresh (dechlorinated) water dish that is deep enough for them to submerge in to refill their shell water. They also need ocean/marine salt water, as they need to balance the salinity of their shell water and in their body. They can survive without it, but have to recycle their urine to maintain their body's saline (salt) balance.

Hermit crabs actually "pee" out of a gland at the base of their antennae.

Please also note that, unfortunately, salt water mixes sold specifically for hermit crabs do not have the nutrients they need to be healthy. Make sure you always give them an ocean or marine salt water mix, and mix according to package directions. Too strong and the salt can burn their gills, too weak and it won't give them the nutrients they need.

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Q: Do you need to change a hermit crab shell when it pees on you?
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Does a hermit crab need its shell?


When does a hermit crab need a new shell?

You must always have a spare larger shell for a hermit crab as they have no natural shell of their own. Just place a larger shell in the tank and if the crab does not use it straight away, don't worry, it eventually will do as they need larger ones as they grow.

Why does a hermit crab change shells?

they change because their shell becomes too small for them when they are growing and becoming larger

Can a hermit crab die from its shell breaking?

Congratulations! No need to rename it. It's the same hermit crab. It molted it's old skin! This means your hermit crab is perfectly healthy and can grow! Make sure you have a slightly bigger shell though. Leave it alone until it walks around and is very healthy.

How soon does a hermit crab need a bigger shell?

It needs a bigger shell when it outgrows its last one

Can hermit crabs live in the ocean?

Yes it can but it depends what kind of shell. The shell must be like a conch shell, but not the kind for snails. There would be not enough room for the crab to squeeze his body in. You need a shell with an opening a little bit bigger than the shell opening it already has on if you want it to change into the new shell. But most the time they do not change shells (I have had one for over a year and it still hasn't). I know you probably want it to change into the pretty new shell you bought or found but do not try to manually do it for the crab.

How many shells do you need for a Hermit Crab?

Hermit crabs change shells once and a while so put about maybe 3 or 2 per hermit crab.I have my own hermit crab and i thought this question.But my hermit crabs havent been changing shells a lot.And make sure you use the right size because hermit crabs dont change shells if that shell is to small or to big or have holes in it.Have Fun With Your Hermit crab

My hermit crab has shedded it's exoskeleton but is staying in the same shell is this normal?

Hermit crabs need a shell because inside of the their shell is their soft tail or body. It needs it's shell because other hermit crabs can hurt or damage their tail or body that's inside of the shell. Hermit crabs will always be in a shell. The only time when they aren't in a shell is that quick few seconds when they change shells into a bigger one to grow. If your hermit crab is running around without it's shells there is something wrong with your crab. Go to the Mall of America (Nickaloden Universe) what ever you want to call it and ask the person why. I bet he can help you.

Why do you need to buy shell for you hermit crabs if they are going to molt anyway?

you have to buy a shell because if it molts without something to go into it will die in a matter of hours ....... my hermit crab died like that it was sad!!!

Why do you have to wash you hermit crab?

You don't. While it's suggested that you bathe your hermit crab when you first bring it home to flush debris out of it's shell and look for mites, as long as your provide pools deep enough for your crab to get their shell opening into, you do not need to bath it.

Does a female marine hermit crab need a male marine hermit crab to have babies?


How do you get hermit crabs to come out of there shell?

You should not force a hermit crab completely out of their shell because they would rather die then be forced out of their shell But if you want to know how to make their legs and eyes and anntenue so they will walk around then you could try lifting up their shell or gently squirting them with a spritz bottle filled with dechlorinated