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Q: Do you not feel full when going through a growth spurt?
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What are signs of growth spruts?

The biggest and most obvious sign that you may be going through a growth spurt is fatigue. You will constantly feel drowsy and tired, as if you are coming down with something. If you are not sure you are going through a growth spurt or just sick with the common cold, check your temperature to be sure Another big sign is hunger. You will find yourself being more hungry than normal, and having cravings for specific foods (especially meat products). The last sign is less common. This would be muscle tightness and decreased flexibility. If you find yourself having a hard time stretching and feel like you have a harder time being mobile, you are most likely experiencing this. This can be somewhat painful, so usually a couple of Advil or Motrin will do the trick.

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Is it possible to feel a heartbeat in your leg?

Of course! You have veins and arteries in your leg and you can feel the pulse of the blood going through them.

Does weightlifting limit body growth?

It depends... If you havent hit your growth spurt yet it can kinda slow your body growth down a bit if you over do it, so try to take it easy. But if you've already passed your growth spurt, well then no. _____ No, it doesn't. It actually helps build muscle in your body, and weightlifting is a good thing to do for your body in areas where you might feel flabby or saggy. As with anything else, you can overdo it, but lifting weights doesn't stunt your growth. Less weight and more reps rather than trying to "bulk up" too quickly will help you stay healthy with your weightlifting. Please see the Mayo Clinic link below for health guidelines for kids who want to lift.

How do you know when you got your growth spurt?

Boys and girls can have more than one growth spurt, but it's generally obvious when you have had one. Usually, by the time you've reached or exceeded the same height as your tallest parent, you can safely assume you are done with your growth spurts. Growth in height officially comes to a halt when the growth plates on the long bones close. Most frequently this is completed by the late teens/early twenties and is followed by a period of "filling out" where the body takes on more mature adult dimensions.

What does it mean when i dream of going through labor and i can feel the contractions?

You have an unborn child on the way

What does it means when a guy says he can feel some with you?

He is empathizing with you. He is saying he understands what you're going through.

How can you feel loved because you feel soo lonely and that no one believes what you are going throuh?

You shouldn't feel lonely, if you know Jesus then you should pray to him and you wouldn't be so lonely no matter what you are going through, I'm sorry you feel this way but you can be loved, just reach out to him!

Why have I not grown in the past 6 months?

That really depends on how old you are. If you are in your 20's, it's unlikely that you will grow at all from now on. Growth stops around mid 20's to early 30's. If you are currently experiencing puberty, it is possibly you have already hit or not yet hit your growth spurt, in which case the lack of growth, while unusual, is not worrisome just yet. If prepubescent, this is also rather uncommon and it may be you are mistaken and you just feel like you haven't grown. If you really haven't grown and you feel like you should, ask a doctor. On your own you can drink milk, eat nutritiously, and sleep well as these all aid in growth.

How do pilots train?

pilots train by first going through tough theory first then they go through flight simulation and get a feel for what there going to be flying and then the take a plane with an instructor and go for a fly :)

What does it feel like to grow?

Growing pains are real. Also, children tend to grow in leaps and spurts. Every time one of my kids gets ravenous and sleepy, I know a growth spurt is probably brewing. Growing requires nutrition and rest. My kids might put on a little extra weight during growth spurts, then suddenly grow an inch taller. Growth is often felt as aches or itchiness, especially in the female breasts and the large bones of the legs.