

Do you often find animals in antarctica?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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You will very rarely see animals in Antarctica but they are sometimes there if you are talking about animals that live in warmer places than the cold Antarctica. Animals such as emperor penguins are often since this is their habitat.

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Q: Do you often find animals in antarctica?
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Do you often find animals at antarctica?

No but sometimes

Where can you find wildlife in Antarctica?

You will only find animals on or near Antarctica's beaches during breeding season -- no animals live on the continent.

What animals in Antarctica starts with o?

The orca whale comes to visit, to find penguins and seals to eat, but the orca does not live in Antarctica. No animals live in Antarctica.

Does Antarctica have seagulls?

No, but you can find gull-like animals there, such as Skuas.

Where in Antarctica are animals found?

The only animals you can find on Antarctica are sea mammals and sea birds that visit Antarctica's beaches to breed. Otherwise, it is too cold there to support animal life, and there is no food chain.

What animals could you find only in Antarctica?

There are no animals that live on the Antarctic continent: it's too cold and there is no food chain. However, several sea birds and sea mammals come to Antarctica's beaches to breed. You can also find these animals at sea.

What do the animals in Antarctica eat to survive?

All animals in Antarctica -- those that come to the continent to breed -- feed in the sea. Exceptions are made when carnivorous animals find baby animals unattended on the ice, in which case the babies provide food. There is no food chain in Antarctica: it's too cold.

What are the names of the seals that lives in Antarctica?

You can find a full list of these animals, below.

Where do Antarctica animals live?

in Antarctica

What animals are used for transport in Antarctica?

No animals are used for transport in Antarctica.

How does migration help animals in Antarctica?

It helps them find food and better places to live.

What would be a reason for all the Antarctica animals existing?

There are no native animals in Antarctica.