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Q: Do you pass the food to the left or the right?
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Why is the bird ont the right more likely to pass on its genes than the bird on the left?

The bird on the right is more likely to pass on its genes because it has a longer beak so it can get more food and eat more making it more likely to pass on its genes.

What is the right of way in a riding ring?

In America I have always been tought to "pass like cars" or pass left shoulder to left shoulder.

At dinner should you pass food clockwise?

You should always always pass your food counter-clockwise. That is to say, pass to your right.

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So go left right left up down down up left right left left up down and that's how you pass the 0. Now to pass the 1 down right up left down left up right and do the Micheal Jackson and rape

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When the car to the left is making a left turn and you have a lane to pass. D&A Test I'm assuming?

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To perform a dummy pass press left pass then right pass in quick succession

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If you're in a country which drives on the right, you'd pass it on the left. If you're in a country which drives on the left, you should pass it on the right.

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Move to the right or left and let them pass

Is matty b right handed?

Well I'm left handed but with hard food chew with my right and for soft food I chew with my left.

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go right ,right, Left , down then wow

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go left then right hahahah

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pass rear,driver rear,pass front,driver front Rear right, rear left, front right, front left.