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It depends on what the award is titiled as.

Generally, if it is to replace something you lost (say a car), then no (at least to the degree you didn't already take the loss for taxes). If it is to replace income that would have been taxable, or as punishment to the other, then yes.

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Q: Do you pay taxes on money won in a neglagence suit?
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What if you have no money to pay your taxes?

You are legally required to pay taxes. Taxes are only due on money you have earned therefore if you owe taxes you have had the money. If you do not pay the taxes you owe you will be sent to court and made to pay - even if you go to prison you will still owe the tax man.

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I was told on any money you get from a wrongful death suit you do not have to pay taxes on. Because you are being compensated for something you lost and can never get back. However; you should ask a tax consultant to be for certain, like H&R Block is the best ones to ask and they pay for mistakes that they make so go to them and have them do your taxes for you. Its worth the money you spend for them to file for you. :)

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