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Normally there is no need for a colon, unless you are introducing a long list of examples.

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Q: Do you put a colon after such as?
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Do you put a colon after the words sponsored by?

No. A colon never goes after the word "by."

Can you put a connector word next to a semi-colon?

No, a connector word should not directly follow a semicolon. A semicolon is used to separate two independent clauses that are closely related. It is typically followed by a capital letter indicating the start of the next independent clause.

Do you put a colon after like?

No. You would use the colon only in the absence of a connector such as like, or for example.

How do you make sad symbol?

Colon : and left bracket ( :( or you can put in a dash - :-(

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No you don't.

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you put the asterisk right before the semicolon

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Press "ALPHA", then press "."

Do you put a colon after including?

A colon placed after the word including is not correct; this is because a colon should follow only independent clauses, which cannot end with that particular word. In other words, if you can correctly write a period in place of the colon, the colon's use is correct.

Where do you put semi colon when using hence?

before the word; hence this sentence.

How do you write smile face with a laptop?

you put a colon and closed bracket on the page in that order

How many spaces do you put after a colon?

I was taught it was two. A good way to remember this is by counting the dots on it. The colon has two so it has two spaces. A semi colon has only one dot, and it has only one space after it. But this only applies when the name of the punctuation has the word "colon" in it, as when you are counting the dots in a period, you only see one, but after a period, you usually put two spaces unless you are using a wesite address or something of that sort.

Where would it be appropriate to put a colon?

There are several uses for a colon in writing. One most common use is before a list of three of more items. For example, a list of fruit could include: (colon) mangoes, oranges, bananas, apples, and pears.