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Q: Do you put heat or ice on leg swelling?
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What can you do for leg swelling?

You can put ice or heat on your leg, this will help with your swelling.

What to do for swelling in your leg?

put ice on your leg when it swelling up really bad.

When should you put ice on something and when should you put heat?

When in doubt, use ice. Most injuries cause swelling and inflammation of the tissues, and ice will help that. Heat is best for tired muscles.

Do you put ice or heat for swelling on my arm?

I think you will be better off using a cream and ice! ( that's my opinion )

Can you put heat on swollen finger?

Heat is for therapy, cold is for swelling. If you have a swollen finger you should use ice, you should check with your doctor if the swelling doesn't go down.

How long after you were injured can you put ice on it and it will help stop the swelling?

Put on the ice immediately, it should calm the swelling.

Can you put heat on a torn ligament?

When the are of the injury is inflamed, you should put ice. Follow the RICE method, REST, ICE, COMPRESS and ELEVATE. Once swelling has subsided (about 5 days), you can start to use heat to promote blood flow and improve healing.

What if your cat will not put pressure on the front leg?

It may have a problem. Feel the leg and feel for heat and swelling. Also, bend their paw, gently. If the cat doesn't like it, take it to the vets and have them to an x-ray.

What is the most effective treatment for a pulled muscle?

There is no medicine for it but you could try putting a cold clothe (soaked in cold water) to stop the swelling or bruise and apply to sore arrea if you have that or you could put a hot clothe (soaked in hot water) to calm it down on sore arrea. I'd say the best thing you can do for that would be by stretching. But sometimes that can make it worse but it all depends on how sore it is. Good luck

What is the best way to stop swelling?

you can put ice on it

How do you reduce swelling after a root?

I think you would put ice on it

How do you reduce swelling after a root canal?

The swelling will be there due to the edema of the tissue,