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No, it is not necessary or appropriate to put salt on an elf if touched. Elves are fictional beings and do not have any special reactions to salt. It would be more respectful to treat them kindly and with care.

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Q: Do you put salt on an elf if touched?
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What to do if shelf elf is touched?

They lose their magic when touched! The only way to revive your elf's magic is to place him/her in the freezer overnight. ***Caution: Don't touch the elf with your hands to put your elf in the freezer!*** Place your elf in the freezer using tongs or gloves and leave your elf in the freezer overnight. Bring him/her out the following morning--using tongs or gloves again--and place the elf back in the spot where he/she was touched. If you're lucky, you will revive your elf's magic, and your elf will be hiding somewhere in your house the following morning. ***Be careful not to touch him/her again. If he/she is touched too many times, your elf may become an ordinary doll!*** To be honest, I believe that you sprinkle cinnamon around it. The elf considers cinnamon, medicine. :)

Will the Elf on the Shelf get mad?

If you touch the elf he/she loses his magic. (Magic is to move) To heal a touched elf you get tongs or gloves and, put it in the freezer overnight.Then you put it back in the place it was touched. Don't touch it again or it might lose its magic.

What to do if elf on the shelfs are touched?

If an elf on the shelf is touched, simply explain to the child the importance of not touching them so their magic can remain strong. You can also have the elf "report back" to Santa to remind the child about good behavior. Ultimately, it's a fun tradition and touching the elf can be seen as part of the learning process.

What wold happen if you touched an Elf on the Shelf with towel?

It would probaly still count as you touching it, meaning that the elf won’t mov.

Can kids sweep up an elf on the shelf?

No, kids should not touch or move the Elf on the Shelf as it is believed to lose its magic if it is touched. The elf is meant to be watched and not handled by children.

Can you touch Elf on the Shelf with paper?

Yes, you can touch Elf on the Shelf with paper. The rules typically state that the magic of the Elf on the Shelf only disappears if the elf is touched by human hands. Using paper to touch the elf would not break this rule.

Can children touch the store bought elf on the shelf?

Yes, children can touch the store bought Elf on the Shelf. The elf is meant to be touched and interacted with by children as part of the holiday tradition.

Can kids touch Elf on the Shelf?

No. if you do, the elf loses his magic.

Does your elf need to be touched my hand to lose its magic or any other part of your body?

No, but the tunafish melts.

Where can you get a elf?

You need to put out something like a Sweet treat and put it somewhere out in the open and the elf will like it. Also put out hot chocolate.

Can parents touch Elf on the Shelf?

It is generally recommended that parents do not touch the Elf on the Shelf, as the magic of the elf comes from the belief that it is watching and reporting back to Santa without being touched. If the elf is accidentally touched, some families choose to perform a "magical" ceremony to restore its magic.

What happens if you pick your Elf on the Shelf with tongs?

The Elf on the Shelf is a fun holiday tradition where the elf is believed to lose its magic if touched, so picking it up with tongs would in essence be considered touching it. This action may disrupt the magic of the tradition for children who believe in the magic of the elf.