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Q: Do you put the comb honey in fridge?
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Does honey comb contain honey?

yep the honey comb is made out of wax the honey is in the honey comb

How do you remove honey from a honey comb?

you get it with a honey comb

How do you Separate honey from honey comb?

You put the honeycomb inside a drum and you spin it very fast till all of the honey runs out.

Why do bees use honey comb to hold honey?

They have to keep it somewhere before they put it in jars and take it to the supermarket!

How does bees brush there hair?

An honey comb

What will happen if you put real honey into the fridge?

It is best to store honey in a dark dry place. In the fridge, beneficial enzymes are destroyed and also honey has the ability to absorb moisture and some smells from the surrounding items.

What is stored in a honey comb?

Could it be honey??

Can 1 bee produce honey and honey comb?


A picture of a honey comb?

just because you put a question mark at the end of the sentence does not make it a question?

What is the main purpose of a honey comb?

The honey bee makes comb out of wax which will allow the queen to lay eggs in the comb cells. Some cells are used to store honey and others to store pollen.

What is a spinner of honey?

It is called an extractor. It spins and the honey is extracted from the honey comb.

What are pods in honey?

AnswerIf you mean when you buy honey what is the solid mass inside the jar of honey? It is the honey comb. It is where pollen is put that has been collected from flowers and plants and it is mixed with the saliva of the bees and put into the pods in the honey comb. the answer above sucks so listen to this one it is depends what "pod" you are talking about...if it is whale pods then it is whales diped in honey... OR ... if it is those the chocolate pods it is them dipped in honey that would be yummyDAM NOW I WANT WHALE WITH CHOCOLATE IN HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!chocolate pods dipped in honey eat it itchbays