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Happy Birthday = Yom Huledet Same'ach

On the occasion of a Bar Mitzvah it is customary to bless the Bar Mitzvah boy with a hearty Mazel Tov!

(Oh... and don't forget the presents...)

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15y ago
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15y ago

You just said it. The words "BAHT MITZ-vah" are Hebrew words, meaning "daughter [of] commandments". The phrase refers to a Jewish girl who is turning 12 years old, and is now legally responsible for her own adherence to the Jewish law and way of life. Strictly speaking, the phrase does NOT mean the synagogue service, party, or any other event or process associated with the occasion.

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14y ago

At the time of someone's bar or bat mitzvah, you would say mazel tov! This essentially means "congratulations", which is very fit for this occasion since it is the transition from childhood to man/womanhood

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13y ago

mazal tov, also pronounced MAHzel toff

Happy Bat Mitzvah is not a Hebrew expression. You would just say "Mazal Tov" (מזל טוב)

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13y ago

Happy Bat Mizvah is not a Hebrew expression. You would just say "Mazal Tov"

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13y ago

Happy Bat Mitzvah is not a Hebrew expression. You would just say "Mazal Tov" (מזל טוב)

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14y ago

These two words are Hebrew words.

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13y ago

mazal tov, also pronounced MAHzel toff

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10y ago

bar mitzvah of = בר מצוה של

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Is a bar mitzvah said in hebrew or yiddish?

The word Bar Mitzvah (בר מצוה) is a Hebrew word. Bar is technically Aramaic, but it's commonly used in Hebrew.The Bar Mitzvah ceremony, which is actually just an ordinary Torah service, is entirely in Hebrew.

Why do Jewish boy have a barmitsfa?

well t doesn't have to be celebrated, as soon as the boy has his 13th Hebrew birthday he is a Bar Mitzvah, the celebration is just kinda a nice thing to do

How is it decided which verses a boy memorizes for his bar mitzvah?

It is decided based on the time of year the Bar or Bat Mitzvah occurs, based on the Hebrew calendar.

How do you write a bat mitzvah card?

Just like you did when you asked the question: Bat Mitzvah.

How do you spell Barmitzva?

The correct spelling is "bar mitzvah" (Jewish rite of adulthood). In some US style guides (but not most) it is capitalized Bar Mitzvah. The corresponding term for a female is "bat mitzvah."

Is a bat mitzvah a birthday party?

Not really. It is a ceremony that celebrates a child turning thirteen, and thereby becoming an adult in the eyes of the Jewish community. But it is not a birthday party. It is a service led by the Bar or Bat Mitzvah with great spiritual significance, and afterwards there is often a party.

What is the name of a bar mitzvah party?

NO Barmitzvah's are for men. BATmitzvah's are for women

Can you sent a birthday card in bar mitzvah?

For answering this question I need to know if you are going the the Bar Mitzvah or not. Usually in a Bar Mitzvah There is a ceremony with a party, and then it's customary to bring a present and not just a card. If you are not going to the Bar Mitzvah ceremony you can only send a card. Should you go to the Bar Mitzvah or not? It's totally up to you and how close you are with the family.

How does a boy feel before a bar mitzvah?

Proud, happy and nervous.

Why do you have to be thirteen at a bar mitzvah?

Bar mitzvah literally translates as 'son of mitzvah'. This is when a male Jew is considered old enough to take on the religious responsibilities of an adult male. According to Judaism, 13 is when a boy is old enough to take on these responsibilities and he is a bar mitzvah on his 13th birthday.

How do you spell barmitsfa?

The term from Hebrew is usually spelled bar mitzvah(Jewish rite of manhood).

What age typically do boys have a bar mitzvah?

A Jewish boy becomes a bar mitzvah on his 13th birthday. This does not require a formal ceremony. The ceremony people are most familiar with is to celebrate the boy becoming a bar mitzvah, it doesn't make him one.