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Synonyms for the word synonym include:









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Both are correct.

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Q: Do you say a synonym of or a synonym for?
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Is rich a synonym?

Your question is incorrectly phrased. Rich is a synonym for wealthy, prosperous, affluent, etc., but you do not say "Rich is a synonym"; you say, for example, "Rich is a synonym for wealthy."

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I'd say a maligner is a synonym for a backbiter

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I would have to say "Enlisted" as a good synonym.

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It's fair to say that some monoliths could count as monuments, but it's stretching it to say that it is a synonym.

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A synonym or other word for arid would be dry. You could also say barren or parch.

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A synonym of monolog is soliloquy, which refers to a speech given by a character alone on stage in a play.

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I would probably say the word "avoid" is a probable synonym of the word, elude.

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I really can't answer the antonym part, but I can say that a synonym could be waterfowl or waterbird.

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murmur, mutter, say to oneself

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Neither, you have to have two words for there to be synonyms/antonyms. You need to say: is aquatic a synonym or antonym to _____?

Is restriction a synonym for regulation?

It depends on whether you are talking about a physical restriction. If you are, then no. Otherwise, it is usually safe to say that it is a synonym.

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A synonym for being easily awakened would be a light sleeper. That is the only way to say that really.