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No, if you buy the game of the year edition you get 18 extra story levels.

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Q: Do you still get the same game if you buy Littlebigplanet game of the year and not just Littlebigplanet?
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What game systems will Littlebigplanet 2 be on?

You can play Little Big Planet on either on the playstation 3 or playstation portable. Hope it helped ! The game versions and the games are different between the PS3 and PSP LittleBigPlanet see related link

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no that's like asking if the PSP can play with the PS3 and they have different games

How you erase the game on your psp go and still have the same amount of money you purchase on the game?

There's no way to sell the game back to Sony. Deleting it just removes it from your PSP Go, it's still yours and you can redownload it when you want to.

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The same way as you'd use a piston

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Does LittleBigPlanet 2 have the same levels and costumes as the original game but with newer materials and costumes added on?

I've heard that all of the original add ons from LBP can be used in LBP 2.

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the bundle pack is either the game, drums, mic. and guitar all together, or just the guitar and game. or just buy the game and use another guitar hero guitar for the same console, it will still work. same goes for the drums and mic.

Which is better Littlebigplanet or minecraft?

If you look at the related links you can see that the games are not really the same and currently they are not available for the same platform so a person would need to have a PS3 or PSP and a PC to even compare playing both of them. LittleBigPlanet now has a sequel for the PS3 that is Move Compatible called LittleBigPlanet 2.