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It's recommended but I have swam with it in the pool for hours at a time, on a daily basis, no problem. But it would be nice to not have to confront it every time you turn around. Oh now I remember, the chlorine in the water also gave me streaked hair, (I'm blonde with brunette parts) people were asking me left and right if I went to the saloon, I told them it was the pool. It also dried out my skin but at the time I didn't use lotion so that could be fixed.

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Q: Do you take the chlorine tablet out of the pool when swimming?
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Can a Chlorine Tablet eat plastic?

YES... Depending on the type of plastic. But many brands of pool chlorine tablets are individually sealed in plastic when you buy them. However, even the plastic they wrap the tablets in isn't immune from the chlorine damage. Usually, the plastic tablet wrapping will remain sealed for about one swimming season. If you have tablets that were individually wrapped, purchased during last year's swim season, there's a strong likelihood that if you take a tablet out of the bucket now, you will find the plastic wrapping either no longer sealed, or brittle so when you try opening the plastic tablet wrapping, the plastic will simply crumble in your hands instead of being flexible like it was last year when you quit using the pool.

Your pH is high and chlorine is low?

add acid and chlorine. or better still take a sample of water to your pool shop where they will test it ad tel you exactly what you need to set it right,

What do you do when your pool does not hold chlorine we have shocked it 2 days in a row and still no chlorine today?

Check your water for cyanuric acid (chlorine stabalizer) and for ortho phosphates (algee food) Take a water sample to the store where you buy chemicals to get it analyzed.

What does chlorine do for your body?

Chlorine is a NESECCARY element to have in your body. When you are swimming in a pool and swallow chlorine, you may hate it and never want to see or hear of it again. But in your body, it must be present. Lack of it can cause: muscle weakness, loss of appetite, dehydration or come(very rare!). It is essential to life and the human body. Yo can take more in by eating natural, enprocessed foods, or by eating table salt(which is very full of chlorine, so don't have to much of it! Everything in your body is important, but you want to keep it balanced; not to much or to less).

Can chlorine cause respiratory damage?

Yes it can cause severe respiratory damage to the human body . People who swim in public pools have to be careful because a public pool has to keep the chlorine levels higher than you would keep it in your private pool. When a pool owner shocks his or her pool you shouldn't swim in it until the chlorine levels have had a chance to to drop to normal readings, because the high chlorine could harm you. One sign that there is too much chlorine is burning eyes. Another believe it or not is heartburn. So please take a minute or two to ask questions about the water you are going to swim in because you are sure to swallow some during the day.

Related questions

Does a dog swimming in the pool reduce the pool's chlorine level?

Any one or thing swimming in the pool will reduce the amount of free chlorine available in the swimming pool. Dog hair body fats and other impurity's will take up free chlorine in the pool thereby reducing the amount of effective chlorine available. Dogs bring into the pool more contaminants than do humans for AA lot of various reasons.

How can you get a chlorine reading in your swimming pool when Ultra shocking is not working?

Get a new testing kit And take a sample of the pool water to the pool shop where they will be able to advise you on your particular needs. And use 12.5% strength liquid chlorine to get the fast high rise that you need.

What do you do for eyes after swimming in salt water pools?

We have a salt water pool and have no eye problems. Either you have too much saLt or chlorine. Take a sample to a local pool store for analysys.

How do you get throw up out of a swimming pool?

Use a fine net to remove the more solid parts, the chlorine should take care of any bacteria.

Can a Chlorine Tablet eat plastic?

YES... Depending on the type of plastic. But many brands of pool chlorine tablets are individually sealed in plastic when you buy them. However, even the plastic they wrap the tablets in isn't immune from the chlorine damage. Usually, the plastic tablet wrapping will remain sealed for about one swimming season. If you have tablets that were individually wrapped, purchased during last year's swim season, there's a strong likelihood that if you take a tablet out of the bucket now, you will find the plastic wrapping either no longer sealed, or brittle so when you try opening the plastic tablet wrapping, the plastic will simply crumble in your hands instead of being flexible like it was last year when you quit using the pool.

How long does it take for chlorine level in swimming pool that holds 4600 gallons of water to drop to safely use it to water plants?

You can add sodium thiosulfate, circulate for one hour and chlorine will be gone.

What could happen if someone defecates in a swimming pool?

Feces can be a serous source of illness in a swimming pool and should be cleaned up as thoroughly as possible followed up by shocking the pool. So long as the disinfection regime of the pool is properly maintained there is not much to worry about.

How do you keep swimming suit from fading?

It is most likely the chlorine in the pool that fades colours of textiles. Perhaps the amount of chlorine being produced by the saltwater chlorinator is too high. If this is the case adjusting it down will make the pool more comfortable to swim in as well. take a sample of water to a pool shop for testing.

Will chlorine kill bacteria produced by bird droppings in swimming pool?

Chlorine in pools is designed to take care of a normal amount of bird droppings. If you have a higher level of bird droppings than normal in your pool, you need to raise your chlorine level and backwash your filter every couple of days.

Can a saltwater pool generate enough sanitizer?

yes, germs can live on a public swimming pool. why? because a public swimming pool is used by the public and people have germs on their body and when they get in the swimming pool, the germs on their body will be transfered to the water on the pool, and germs will spread in the water and people will also get germs. after having a swimming on a public swimming pool, you need to take an immediate bath so that germs will be killed.

Why is it important to shower before swimming in a chlorinated pool?

It's not. Many people shower after swiming to prevent chlorine from changing their hair color or fade their swim suits. A 2005 survey by the American Dermatology Association found that less than 7% of Americans shower after swimming.

What problems can organic matter in large doess cause in your swimming pool?

Large amounts of bio matter in the pool Will reduce the amount of free chlorine in the pools water and as a result cause weaker disinfection of the water to take place.