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After being directed to a superb definition , I feel that Casey Anthony is part of a subgroup of the Narcissistic personality definitions entitled the " fragiles". This group has most all of the symptoms of an ego inflated individual who shows no empathy and fakes real concern for others. She also becomes enraged when confronted with her behavior and tends to build her self up by surrounding herself with others who are Narcissistic in their behavior. She does not like anyone or anything to come between her and the attention that she believes brings her the feelings of an inflated ego - thus success! In her family life or up bringing she lacked attention or felt she was abused or treated unfairly rather imagined or true. Therefore, she delivers her harshest treatment to her family members. She takes advantage of them the most and treats them with utter disregard. Does this sound like Casey Anthony? Could this have been a motive for killing Caylee? Why didn't the Prosecution have a psychological profiler look into this. I did and it was not to hard to do. This case was a travesty of justice for that baby girl. Now, who do they search for as a suspect? As for no child neglect or abuse ever seen from Casey - What about not knowing where your 2 year-old baby was for 31 days while you party on stolen money! Is that not child neglect or abuse jurors?


Even if you had sat on the jury, you would not know the whole story. There's lots in the background of these big cases. The evidence shown the jury did not support a guilty verdict. If it had been touch and go, they would have spent several days going over it before coming to a conclusion. Also, there is no way to correctly diagnose a person without qualifications and time spent directly with the person.

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Q: Do you think Casey Anthony has a Narcissistic personality disorder or another personality disorder?
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What other personality disorders have some characteristics of sociopathy?

Each personality disorder is classified into one of three "clusters": clusters A, B, or C. Cluster A is called the "eccentric" cluster, and it includes schizotypal, paranoid, and schizoid personality disorders. Cluster B is called the "dramatic" or "erratic" cluster, and it includes ASPD (another name for sociopathy), borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorder. Cluster C is called the "anxious" or "dependent" cluster, and it includes avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders. Cluster B is the one that shares the most characteristics with sociopathy. Borderline personality disorder is a disorder that is characterized by emotional instability. People with borderline generally are described as "childish", and they often feel as if they are victimized. Their emotional swings often resemble those of sociopathy. Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by attention seeking, including excess seduction, being the "life of the party" even if there isn't a party, and have quick mood swings (which is something that all of Cluster B has in common). This disorder is similar to sociopathy because of the need for all of the attention to be on them. Finally, we come to narcissistic personality disorder. Those with narcissistic personality disorder think of themselves as the greatest thing alive. They are bad at taking criticism in any way. They require constant attention, and they may lie to achieve their own goals. The main reason that those with narcissistic personality disorder resemble sociopaths, though, is because they feel little to no empathy. To sum that long answer up, borderline personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of its mood swings, histrionic personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of the attention-seeking, and narcissistic personality disorder resembles sociopathy because of the near or full lack of empathy.

Is disassociative disorder associated with a socipath or narcissist?

Only in the sense that mistreatment by one of them might be related to its formation in a victim. People with narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder (the correct name for sociopath) may be mercurial and seem to be expressing another personality, but in fact it is the real one, that they usually keep covered up with their deceptive behavior.

Do narcissists play games with your feelings?

This depends on which definition of "narcissist" you were referring to.------------------------Extreme narcissism is called Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and, yes... they exaggerate, need attention, and have a hard time understanding or caring about anyone else. It is part of the disorder.[There are many stories about people in narcissistic relationships in the discussion area. If you have another story, feel free to add it there, but not in the answer area. Thanks.]

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Passive-aggressive is not the same as borderline personality disorder. One is a way of behaving and another is a personality disorder that would need observation.

Does a Narccist get some kind of adrenaline rush from hurting another person?

Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are notoriously self-involved to the point of damaging their relationships. An individual who finds enjoyment in causing harm or pain to another individual is considered a Sadist.

What is the definition of borderline personality disorder?

Borderline personality disorder is another way to say anxiety, basically. It is a mental health disorder that causes emotional instability. It is often diagnosed by a psychiatrist.

What is the difference between manic depressive narcissism and borderline personality disorder?

First of all, Manic Depression is now referred to as Bi-Polar Disorder and it is a mood disorder. Narcissism (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and Borderline Personality Disorder are that, Personality Disorders. Someone diagnosed as manic depressive narcissism sounds like a dual disorder, one disorder 'confounded' by another. Since manic depression is bi polar disorder there is a dis-regulation in the highs (mania) and lows (depression). Some people self medicate by using alcohol (a depressant) when they are too high, and using cocaine for example (a stimulant) when they are too low. It is the body's attempt to find a stable mood. Both alcohol and stimulants can exacerbate the signs and symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The 'Narcissistic rage' ignited or inflamed by alcohol is one example. NPD tend to be angry, nasty, exploitive, explosive, evasive, demanding. They are extremely difficult to get along with or live with. NPD have a fear of abandonment, real or imaginary, can not manage emotions in adult fashion, and will initiate break up, take no responsibility for outcome and bask in victim-hood. Borderline Personality Disorder also shows signs of distress around abandonment, real or imaginary, and can not regulate emotions. BPD also rage when they are afraid, fearful or insecure, which only serves to push people away. "Mommy Dearest" is a good portrayal of BPD. There is a spectrum of axis II personality disorders often overlapping. Plenty of info on line. Barbara Kennedy MPH/MSW

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Dissociative disorder is previously known as multiple personality disorder. It is possible to get hold of dissociative disorder through a spouse, a significant other or another person with the disorder.

You had a miserable and tragic relation with a narcissistic person.he wanted to control you but you are free now.can he plan to kill you or harm you in anyway?

Yes, he can. Doesn't mean that he will. Narcissism is closely related to another personality disorder, "Antisocial." This term has replaced "Sociopathic" in psychology - There are many narcissists out there who have never been violent. But there are many violent people who are narcissistic. So - in short, best to be smart and protect yourself where you have concerns.

What does naricssistic personality disorder mean?

Narcissistic personality disorder means that a person sees themselves as being much better than others and have an elevated sense of self worth. People diagnosed with this disorder are referred to as Narcissists. Narcissists can be extremely vain and arrogant, and would usually not think twice about taking advantage of another person to achieve their own goals. Narcissists also don't handle any type of criticism well because they perceive themselves as being perfect, and may lash out at a person who criticizes them with extreme anger.

Is it dangerous to live with someone with a narcissistic personality disorder?

Yes - My mother has this disorder - they hide this abusive behaviour very well - but believe me - it is so destructive - I would never knowingly choose to live with a narcissistic person - all they care for is themselves - this you would not know at first - they will try to destroy your life and have complete control over you, and abuse your children or loved ones - even pets. They constantly play with your emotions play people off against one another - they are compulsive liars - Its is a living nightmare!!

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BTW this is about someone with multiple personality disorder